Surubaya III


A full day of business activities that ended with a visit to what might well be (with apologies to the Chicago Tribune) the World’s Greatest Newspaper, and certainly one of the best businesses to work for, started with a visit to a bicycle maker whose tag line was, “From Indonesia to the World.”

The latter, part of the Insera Sana group, maker of the Polygon bicycle, exemplifies a not uncommon Southeast Asian entrepreneurial story—the rise of an émigré Chinese family through hard work, determination, thrift—Horatio Alger traits if you will. The owner, who it turned out unbeknown to us was a 1986 graduate of the University of Wisconsin (to the delight of the tour leaders, who developed this trip on behalf of the University of Wisconsin’s Center for International Business, aided by the University of Hawaii), whose family had fled south China—most Chinese émigrés in the region are from Fujian or Guangdong—for more opportunity elsewhere. When he returned from Wisconsin, he worked with his family for a few years, I think importing bicycles, then, encouraged by his mother, and funded with contributions from the family, he started assembling bicycles. 23 years later, he has made inroads toward his ultimate goal—building a global brand.

Polygon makes over 550,000 bicycles a year, some for other brands (which it is trying to reduce), but trying to build its own brand, mostly for the Indonesian market. Walking through the factory, I was struck by how labor intensive it seems, compared to the Mitsubishi assembly line in Normal (though part of the difference might be that Mitsubishi uses sub-assemblers), yet how similar the process of building a bike was to building a car. Aluminum tubing comes and is reshaped and welded into frames, perhaps from China (a lot of the materials were made in China or Taiwan); brake and gear cables and parts come from Taiwan (Shimano); wheels and tires from another country, and the finished product goes out in a box (even the contract ones), bearing the “Made in Indonesia” stamp. We saw the quality control room, too, and if you want a mountain bike, look for a Polygon bike; if it can stand the rocky roads of Indonesia, it can probably tackle the Rockies. The company has bought an American brand, and as one of our participants noted, that proves two things: one, that the company had the cash, and two, that the plans to go global have already been launched.

The second visit was to a Sheet Metal Fabrication shop, a job shop, which takes sheet metal and makes things out of it according to customer specifications. It’s the sort of process that used to be exclusive to the developed world, especially Germany.

Ironically (and this is happening as the developing countries move up the value chain), the company started as a joint venture with Germany, bought German machinery, and the Germans have taught Indonesians how to use lasers, punch machines, etc. Jobs for customers, which include Caterpillar and Hitachi, take 2-5 days, with painted metal taking close to two weeks. 40% of the customers are in the tobacco industry. The young man who demonstrated the work for us is an artist/architect/engineer, whose designs for partitions were quite stunning, and the company’s work has included monuments. Small wonder that a) the company is considering expanding; and b) the German firms (and U.S. firms) are losing prominence in the industry.

There is an American consul general in Surabaya, which covers the eastern half of Indonesia (Papua, on the far east, is run from Jakarta, partly because Papua is one of three provinces of Indonesia that requires a special government visa—administered from Jakarta). The woman who spoke with us went through a kind of ROTC equivalent; she’d gone to graduate school on the State Department’s dime, then had to give three years to the State Department. It’s called the Wrangle (?) program. She gave us a briefing on her consular area, and the growth that is occurring here. She did point to the fact that the government is trying to spread business around the country, which is one reason we did not see many multinationals in Surabaya; many new businesses are being routed to the regional cities around here instead.

The highlight of the day might well have come at the end, when we visited a site you’re not likely to see in the United States—a thriving newspaper (hard copy, at your home before 6 a.m.). Part of the fun visiting the Jawa Pos (it’s in Bahasa) was the newsroom, which reflects the youthful culture of the staff. We were in a huge room with four or five compartments (for the different bureaus), with a round table in the center that we sat around.

The president is 35ish, and he is one of the older people we met (his father, now a government minister, rescued the paper in the 1990s). A graduate of Cal State Sacramento, one of his goals is to see a Nascar race. In the meantime, he heads a paper with a 93% market share, a growing circulation nationally (the POS has 17 different editions, which helps solve the distribution problem—it’s printed in 17 cities) and the group owns approximately 200 other newspapers, TV stations, paper mills, and power plants. Not to mention that his building includes the national (of Indonesia) basketball arena and he is commissioner of the league! He thought one reason his paper is successful is that it has special sections every day for youth (remember that Indonesia majority are under 30; his editor there is 22 and he says he just tells the youth staff to edit and print). Other sections are for new families, and thankfully there is a section for the over 50. It’s an interesting culture, as I said (workout room, music room, etc.); one of the faculty compared it favorably to Google. Interestingly, when the lead story is about the censorship of the Chinese press, Indonesia has no censorship, he said; that was “the old days, and we don’t remember the old days.”

Tonight helped raise the question of whether we ate in the right restaurant. Here’s the clues:

a)   Local recommended it;

b)   We survived crossing the street to get to it (no mean feat; traffic is vicious and there were no traffic lights);

c)   Only motorcycles were in front of it;

d)   The sign was hand lettered;

e)   The menu was in bahasa;

f)   People were smoking;

g)   4 hours later, no after effects.

Still waiting on g, and that may be the most important clue of all!! Still the black soup with lemongrass was certainly worth the b!


You can’t see the forest for the trees


If yesterday’s business visit took its theme from “With a chicken, we build a nation,” the motto of the group we visited, today’s two visits share a common theme in one of Indonesia’s natural resources—the forests and forest products, which have helped Indonesia flourish (partly because of the sale of commodities to China and other Asian economies), and gotten Indonesia in trouble with the green groups because of the non-sustainability issues that can accompany wanton use of forests.

The first company was a paper producer, in a small town outside of Surabaya whose claim to fame is that it was the site of the famous Java man (one of the predecessors of homo sapiens). Having just gone through central Wisconsin, where you can see the paper mills in Wausau from ten miles away (and I remember the days when I lived in Madison and the pollutants from the paper mills led to warnings about eating fish from the Wisconsin River), I was pleasantly surprised when we arrived at the Tjiwi Kimia plant, the largest single stationery manufacturing location in the world—without any advanced warning to the plant. The company, part of another one of these major conglomerates (I think it is Sinar Mas) gets its short-fiber wood for pulp from 750 plantations on Sumatra, but imports most of the long-fiber wood from the United States. The company has a plant in the United States, and owns forest land in Canada, but not in the U.S.—“America has too many rules,” said our host. The plant has 12,000 employees, about ¾ women, with the company having built a hospital and a training center. TK cannot sell directly in Indonesia (as in many countries, the laws favor the creation of jobs), but does sell to consumers globally. 75% of its products are sold globally, which can be explained partially by the per capita use of paper: Americans use 200 kg, and the Japanese even more, but Indonesians have increased their usage from 1 to 15 kilograms. On our tour of the factory, we saw a modern machine that can produce several times the amount of the original machines; the original machines came from a Taiwanese company that was about to sell them to Vietnam, when the Viet Cong rolled into Saigon and put an end to that order (in more ways than one). The current machine was made in Beloit, Wisconsin.

Lunch was an interesting stop. A mall developer invited street hawkers to set up shops inside a mall, called the village; it offered the variety of the street, with the hygienic safety of a mall. The gado-gado (a salad with peanut sauce and a bit of chili), with lychee tea, was wonderful.

The afternoon visit was to another company owned by Sinar Mas, one dealing with an even bigger villain to health-conscious environmentalists—a processor of palm oil. The company, Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology (SMART), has helped Indonesia overtake Malaysia as the No. 1 palm oil producer in the world. Another factor that has helped Indonesia overtake Malaysia is that the Malaysians have worn out the soil; I recall visiting the Palm Oil Board when we were in Kuala Lumpur, and they told us that Malaysia companies were buying plantations in Indonesia. A third complication was that the Malaysian forests were hiring a lot of Indonesians, since the Malaysian economy was more developed; a new minimum wage law in Indonesia resulted in a Wall Street Journal article questioning whether Malaysia could afford to continue hiring Indonesians.

Anyway, importing the palm oil kernels from plantations in Kalimantan and Papua, the plant in Surabaya processes the oil into a variety of products—mostly cooking oil, but also margarine (including in single sachet servings that would be useful for camping) and refined products for shampoo and soaps. It has factories in China and India as well—palm oil is widely used for cooking in Asia. The executives addressed several questions about the “black marketing” (boycotts) that it sounds like U.S. activists instituted. One was the charge that palm oil is high in cholesterol. They noted that cholesterol comes from animal fats—not plants (they did not mention that palm oil is high in trans fats). The other question involved taking out rainforests (Indonesia has the second largest rainforests after Brazil) to create palm oil plantations. They countered that the land was not productive, wasn’t rainforest, and created jobs—the dilemma of many environmental questions!

We got back relatively early, which meant we could have dinner on our own, and a few of us wandered over to the mall next door and ate at an Indonesian seafood restaurant. It was possible to order despite the absence of English (no English menu and no foreigners is a good combination for me), partly because of technology. One of the faculty had a telephone with a bahasa Indonesia dictionary, which helped us order 3 fish dinners—fish being probably the main source of protein at this point in the Indonesian diet.

As we say in Bahasa, “Salamat Malam”–good night.


Surabaya (or in the old days, Soeribaea)

Surabaya (or in the old days, Soeribaea)

We are in Surabaya, 420 miles east of Jakarta, and 7 degrees south of the equator. The capital of East Java, it’s a city of about 3-4 million, on the Java Sea, with some intriguing mountains in the distance. It took us most of the day to get here yesterday, which is probably the first lesson today about Indonesia; it is hard to get around not just the 17,000 islands spread over 3,000 miles—sometimes it’s hard to get around one of the islands, in this case, Java, the most populous. My understanding is that there is not a highway across the island.

We had a nice mix of activities today, which began with a visit to the National Mosque of Surabaya, a huge building with a blue and green dome that dominates the city. As I’ve stressed, Indonesia has a Muslim majority, but everyone emphasizes it’s a secular democracy. However, even in the airport, we saw many more Muslims dressed in the traditional robes than we had seen in Jakarta.

Our second visit was to one of the tourist-listed places (it says something that of the six places listed in the brochures for tours, two are malls, and one is a national park)—the Hotel Majahapit. The historic hotel (you knew there was a reason it was special for me!) was built by the Sarkie Brothers, who brought luxury to SE Asia from the 1890s into the 20th century. I’ve stayed in several—the Raffles in Singapore (home to the Singapore Sling), the Eastern and Oriental in Penang, and two in Cambodia—and had dinner at their hotel—the Strand—in Rangoon. The Majahapit (born in 1910 as the Oranje) well lived up to the brand name. The older part of the hotel is Colonial, the newer part (dating from the 1930s, and opened by Charlie Chaplin) is art deco. We got to see a number of rooms (one of which had a “crapper”; for those who don’t know it, John Crapper invented a toilet, with a tank that sat up high and a pull chain to flush), including the one occupied by the Dutch High Command in 1945 in the face of Indonesian efforts to declare independence

The flagpole behind me is where the red and white flag emerged

from Holland. An angry local mob stormed the hotel’s flagpole and tore off the blue on the bottom of the Dutch flag, leaving only the Red-and-White, which remains the flag of the Republic of Indonesia. Not coincidentally, the Scout neckerchief is red and white today, partly because the Scouts played an active role in the war for Independence.

The business visit this afternoon was arranged by UPH, the Lippo group university I mentioned we had visited in Jakarta. It has a newer, smaller (600-student) campus in Surabaya, targeting a similar market segment—mostly wealthy Chinese. I think I mentioned that the Lippo group is building housing units centered around schools and hospitals (which it builds into the community). The University in Jakarta has a medical school, which helps the group get a lead on physicians.

The company we visited works for chicken feed—rather works with chicken feed, and chickens. It is the main supplier of ayam (chicken) for KFC and McDonalds, and is overall the third largest chicken processor in Indonesia. From what the Chief Financial Officer told us, the company is operating close to capacity, which means it’s not exporting (and, to my surprise, said chicken prices in the U.S. are less than in Indonesia), but because the consumption rate in Indonesia is 4.8 kg a year, much lower than elsewhere in Southeast Asia, the executives expect they can continue to grow domestically for a long time. I learned a lot about chickens—given my Chicago upbringing, it was almost a surprise to learn that chickens do not grow prepackaged. Instead, the company buys “grandfather generations” from the U.S. and France, hatches them out for 6 months, gets a second “parent” generation for six months, then takes the third generation (“one-day chicks”) for 32 days of scientific feeding until the chickens weigh 1.8 kilograms. The company manufactures chicken feed, harvests (their words) broilers and roasters, processes (slaughters) and sells them to, as I said, McDonalds and KFC, or at retail, under the brand name “Gold Star” to Carrefour and other retailers in Indonesia. They served us enough samples after our session that we might have upped the average to 4.9 kilograms.

I was just thinking it would be nice to observe the stars in the southern hemisphere. Unfortunately, this is the hot and rainy season, and we’ve barely seen the sun, much less the stars. The other season, though (April-October) is hot and humid. In other words, the temperature now is roughly 88 degrees with a 30% chance of rain—everyday.

An incredible day across Indonesia


Indonesia has over 17,000 islands (over 5,000 unnamed, so if you want to buy me a present….) and 34 provinces—and, believe it or not, we visited over 5 of them, from Aceh to Papua in 3 hours today. All without  leaving Jakarta.

Let me explain.  Jakarta has a park, developed in the 1970s, which is over 600 acres and houses (literally) houses from all 34 provinces, giving an indication of the human diversity in a land characterized by biodiversity. The Kampungs (a Malay word for village) are representative of the housing in those provinces, and the employees are usually from those provinces, knowledgeable about the cultural mores of the area, and selling handicrafts from that area.  It’s reminiscent of Lincoln’s New Salem, Epcot, or the Suwon village in Korea.

We visited Aceh, which is the northernmost province, on Sumatra, across from Malacca. Strongly Muslim, it follows shariah law, and for many years was in rebellion against the central government. The tsunami hit pretty hard, and I don’t know whether or not it was causation or correlation, but the rebels signed a truce in 2005, the year after the tsunami, and it’s been pretty peaceful since. Most of the villages had a palace for the ruling Sultan (the Muslim rulers), with elaborate dress, and homes and outbuildings, and even school/mosques. A few were original; I think it was Aceh that built homes on stilts (most were on stilts because it’s cooler, protects you from animals (and lets animals live underneath), but without nails for removing and rebuilding easily. At the other end of the archipelago, Papua has headhunters, and there was a house that held the shrunken heads.  It does make it astonishing that the Republic of Indonesia has been able to be a nation. One of our hosts told us, in fact, the United Nations has asked the Indonesia Army to do the peacekeeping missions because of its ability to have internal harmony.

This evening, my roommate and I found what purports to be (and was) one of the best Indonesian restaurants in Jakarta. It’s only about 3 long blocks from our hotel, but so many of our meals have been at malls that I was eager to get at least one “good meal.”  And it was—free range chicken served west Javanese style on a banana leaf, with coconut and lemon grass rice….yum. Did I tell you I loved the food here. Even the durian brule for dessert.

We move tomorrow morning to Surabaya, the second biggest city in Indonesia, less than a quarter the size of Jakarta. I bet I can find good food there, too.

The new and the old were on display today


The first time I took Mrs. Hoyt to Shanghai, we were having dinner in the old Sassoon Hotel along the Bund, and she noted, “Foreigners built as though they were going to stay forever; only the buildings have remained.”  That’s as true of Batavia—er, Jakarta—as it is of Shanghai, though to a much lesser degree.

In the morning, we went to one of those old buildings, a Doric-columned old Dutch government office building that screams “Power.” Built to house the Javanese bank (the bank that furnished the financial wherewithal that brought the spices—pepper constitutes 20% of the world’s spice trade even today) to enrich the Dutch, it became the National Bank—and today houses a museum displaying both the history of Indonesian economy, and a numismatic approach to its history.  I liked both aspects, partly because of the information it contained; the VOC—the Dutch East India company, with its 17 Dutch masters, pictured on the Dutch master’s cigars—went bankrupt during the Napoleonic Wars, and in fact the British under Sir Stafford Raffles, he who founded Singapore, seized the Dutch East Indies and held them until 1815, when, as part of the Congress of Vienna, they went back to the Dutch; the Islands fell to the Japanese in 3 days during World War II (2000 miles long, over 17,000 islands) because the Japanese had placed spies in the major cities; and the crisis of 1997 brought a sobriety to the fiscal system that continues today.  The building had some fine art deco touches, and, speaking of touches, we got to touch a gold bar, all 13.5 kg of it.

From the museum, we went to the “New” Indonesia, the Lippo group, one of the major Chinese conglomerates that dominate the economy, for a presentation on its operations.  The Lippo group is into a variety of businesses (as are so many of the large Chinese companies), including hospitals, property, media, and education.  As explained to us, the company has worked out a pattern that will target middle-class families by building schools, hospitals, and malls (it owns or operates 25% of existing malls in Indonesia), followed by the housing.  The company sort of builds to order; it announces it is going to build, gathers advance orders (paid in advance), and when it has sufficient funds to cover the construction costs (and as our host explained, cover the cost of the bribes), they build. The current developments are in the Jakarta area, but they are focusing on second- and third-tier cities, such as Samaridan, Kalimantan, where the average income is $16, 500, because it is a mining community, and the raw materials are being purchased by the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans right now.  I should point out that the company also owns funeral homes, making its coverage, as our host explained, from cradle to grave.  Given the shortage of good schools and good hospitals, and the fondness of the Indonesians for shopping, the construction of “towns” seems like a good idea. One other item in its portfolio—the Lippo group (one of its leaders, James Reddy, was implicated in a corruption charge—he gave the Clinton campaign what were illegal contributions, as I recall) has a university—with a difference.  UPH is a fairly new university on Lippo property that has 7,000 mostly Chinese Catholic students (a rarity in this Muslim predominant country). The head of the group gives required lectures weekly, but the facilities are wondrous, including an archway that proclaims, ‘With God, anything is possible.”  One of our participants, a Chinese Indonesian, pointed out that it wasn’t until the 1990s that Chinese were allowed to celebrate the Chinese new year in public, or even to have Chinese names.

The other session today was put on by members of the International Society for Sustainability Professionals, an NGO that was formed in 2012 to help educate people (and businesses) about the need for sustainability.  One of their emphases was forests, which was interesting because Indonesia has the second largest area of forests in the world, and the management of them has been a real challenge.  Part of the challenge comes from the use of natural resources to raise the population out of poverty.  Over 100 million live on $2 a day or less, which is certainly a sobering fact that should inform everyone who visits Indonesia that the malls (and do they have good food!) cater to a growing middle class but in a society that is still bimodal.  Ironically, last week, my Scouts were at Trees for Tomorrow, which the newspaper companies in Wisconsin started to build awareness of the need to replant trees;  I still believe that the answer will have to include an enlightened business community at least as much as a concerned government.  My roommate, a Dean of a Business School, told me that the accrediting body for business schools in the U.S. has mandated curricula additions dealing with sustainability and corporate social responsibility, perhaps allowing the students we reach to help be part of the solution.  I certainly hope that more than Scouts are thrifty with scarce resources.

The 2 ½ hour ride the 28 km back to our hotel was also about the new—the lack of infrastructure, or at least the proliferation of automobiles.

Then to dinner at a mall.  If you want to find out why I love Indonesian food (and it is hard to find in the U.S.), find somewhere that serves coconut rice.  That would be a nice start.

Where did January 1 go?


If you’ve ever wondered where a day went, there’s an easy answer if you are flying west—and a long distance.  I lost January 1, partly because I spent 32 hours getting to Jakarta; and in crossing the dateline, lost a day (that I’ll get back when I return).  The result was I missed the games that I wanted to see, but since they came out wrong, it’s just as well that all I could do was read about them online.

I’m in Jakarta, the capital of the largest country no one knows much about— Indonesia’s population is around 250 million, about 10 million of whom are jostling with me for space on the streets of the capital. It is about 85% Muslim, but describes itself as a Muslim-majority country, not a Muslim country like Malaysia.  The laws are secular; for example, alcohol is available.

As I remembered from the only other time I was here (1997), Jakarta was born under the Dutch, who ruled from the 18th century—as I recall, the British exchanged Bencoolen for Malacca in the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars—until after World War II; the Indonesians declared independence in 1945, the Dutch waged a bitter war of reconquest until 1949, but recently acknowledged that the civil war was officially over in 1945. Jakarta has broad streets, lots of skyscrapers, and the juxtaposition of those skyscrapers with shacks and shanties that is typical of most developing countries. As an example, there’s a gaping unfinished project out my window—one that may never be finished.

On our site visit to the U.S. consular service today, we had a panel that brought me up to date on what happened here after 1997, when the Asian economies collapsed (the rupiah dropped to 1/6th of its pre-crisis value).  The Suharto dynasty had just been toppled.  In fact, there were folks who described Indonesia as potentially an “Asian Yugoslavia”—a potential candidate to fracture; even today, of the thousands of islands that comprise the archipelago, Java (with 60% of the population) and Sumatra (with almost 20) constitute the two most important islands—the country spans almost 2,000 miles.  At least the rebellious province of Aceh negotiated a truce a few years ago, and that was one of the last holdouts for separation.

In terms of the economy, today, Indonesia seems to have escaped the current downturn.  After the economy tanked in 1997, and got bailed out by the International Monetary Fund, growth has been steady at 6-8% for the past decade.  Part of the stimulus comes from the rest of Asia, which hungers for the commodities (oil, gas, palm oil, etc.) that are so well distributed here. Trade has come more from the region than from the U.S.; U.S. trade with Indonesia is about $10b, which is less than U.S. trade with the 6 million people in Singapore.  Interestingly, one area where the U.S. has made an impact is in aviation; Lion Air recently signed the largest Boeing contract ever!  Part of the stimulus came from cleaning up the financial structure—the banks got slapped, and the kind of mortgage repackaging that almost toppled US banks barely tickled Indonesia.  The upshot is that the per capita has reached something close to $4,000.

I was here for the first election in Indonesia since the Suharto family came to power.  It was hard to see where it would go at the time.  The military had been a force in politics (partly the residue of that civil war in the late ’40s).  What happened is that Indonesia has become the 3rd largest democracy in the world.  Subordinating the military for defense rather than king-making in politics has put Indonesia in position to set an example and give advice to Burma and Egypt and the other “spring revolutions” in the Middle East.  The local provinces, where a lot of the commodity trade has taken place, have also developed democratic institutions.

The State Department (and Commerce) speakers did point out some of the problems—the rampant corruption (an article in the Wall Street Journal this morning reported that 33% of the respondents thought they would have to bribe the police or the government officials); the lack of a successor to the current president, which has led to a lot of “playing to the crowds” for the election next year—and that has meant a lot of laws for protection of domestic businesses.  One area they pointed out was laws against franchises—all franchises, not just American ones, perhaps an effort to slow the trend from traditional markets to more modern ones.

In the afternoon, though, we went to one of the “modern markets”, a six-story mall typical of what I’ve seen in Asia, and one that makes me wonder whether I’m in a developing country.  It had all the stores one would find in an upscale mall in the U.S.—but much better food. Did I say I love eating here?  The reason we were at the mall was to visit the equivalent of the U.S. information agency—a cultural diplomatic outreach that is the only one of its kind in the world.  It’s in a mall because the target market is Indonesians 15-30, and the venture is a public-private venue cosponsored by some of America’s best known brands—Apple, Google, and Microsoft.  The brainchild of a former U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia, atAmerica (or @America) is a high-tech (and high-security) museum/exhibit hall/entertainment center.  According to the director, they hosted 50,000 students and 260,000 visitors at 1,300 events, including rock concerts, comic book groups, etc.  A far cry from the days when Voice of America broadcast the truth across the Iron Curtain!  With 60% of the Indonesian population under 30, that group might well be one worth reaching.  And like all “best practices” I can only wonder why this model isn’t being duplicated around the world.  It’s a lot more attractive, I would think, than the old U.S. information libraries that attempt to win friends and influence people.

I’m glad I did not lose THIS day! Did I mention I love the food?

A delightful add on in Athens

Mask of Agamemnon

Reminiscences 2024

We stayed at the Grand Bretagne In Athens, which gave us time to savor a luxury hotel–and to spend time in the National Archeological Museum, which housed the statue of Poseidon and the Mask of Agamemnon (which wasn’t the Mask of Agamemnon, but was still pretty impressive. It dates back to the 16th century BC).  What a treat before the trek back to Bloomington.

And ending the trip with a dinner on the rooftop of the Grand Bretagne, with the Acropolis in full view!


August 3, 2012

Yesterday’s highlight was Ephesus, a city that from around the time of
Alexander until the Mediterranean silted and “moved” the harbor two miles away (600 years later) was one of the great cities of the ancient
world. It’s certainly one of the great ruins today, with plumbing (a
communal toilet and sewer system) that medieval Europe would have envied. It was reputedly the place where Mary spent her last years and is buried. The 25000 seat theater still houses events. The library is one of the most recognizable ruins of the Greek world.  The city was also home to early Christian proselytizing.

An extra treat was that the port is Kusadasi, Turkey, whose bazaar is the second largest in Turkey–and after Cairo, a clean and friendly place. The
guide was quick to point out that in 1924, Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, created a secular Muslim state, separating Church and
State; “Turks,” she sniffed, “don’t wait for the government to do things
for them, unlike the Egyptians. You’ll notice when the stores opened,
people were cleaning the entrances themselves.”

See the Pyramids along the Nile

August 3, 2012 Reminiscences in 2024

I knew we were in for a different experience when we arrived in Alexandria, Egypt.  While I would have loved to spend time in that ancient city, it would have been criminal to have skipped Cairo and the pyramids if we were in Egypt.  Speaking of criminals, an armed escort joined our buses and escorted us to the hotel in Cairo.  What an introduction!

We stopped at the Saladin Citadel, built to protect the city from the Crusaders in 1176,  but it was the seat of government for 700 years, including the reign of Mohammed Ali in the 19th century, who threw off the Ottoman yoke. Ali reconquered Egypt from the French, and founded a dynasty that ended with the overthrow of King Farouk’s son in 1953.

Cairo is a city of 22 million, but it’s really third world.  Perhaps my view was colored by the garbage strike that occurred when we were there, but we were quartered in a five star hotel in sight of the Pyramids.  The swimming pool afforded great shots of the nearby Pyramids.

We also went on a Nile cruise in the city, but the true piece de resistance is of course the pyramids of Giza.  Once the tallest buildings in the world, the Pyramids have withstood weather and looting for 4,500 years.  Built by slave labor to house the remains of the Pharaohs, the Pyramids have over 6 million bricks, each about 2.5 tons each, moved without much technology. In front of the Pyramid sits the enigmatic Sphinx, human head, lion body.  It apparently predates the Pyramids, but supposedly looks like one of the pharaohs buried at Giza.

What was most impressive to me was that, while close to Giza (Egypt’s third largest city, behind Cairo and Alexandria), if you look West, there’s almost nothing you can see until you get to the Atlantic Ocean.


2 days in Israel

August 1, 2012

From the beginning to the end? The alpha and omega of our trip to Israel

We spent two days in Israel, which. for a boat trip, is a long time; of course, it barely scratched the surface.

Most of the time was spent following the steps of Jesus, which accounts for the alpha and the omega (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet) in the heading.  We got off the ship in Haifa, and went to Galilee, then stayed on the west bank until Jerusalem, then went to Bethlehem.  Thus, we saw where  Christ was born (Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, in an area under Palestinian administration), where   he grew up in Nazareth (and where Mary learned she was to bear Jesus–Annunciation), where he preached (Mount of Beatitudes), where he was betrayed, and where he was crucified (the Church of the Sepulcher, and the Via Dolorosa).  I’ll have another comment, but one of the most interesting places to me was the Mount of Beatitudes, where our guide suggested Christianity began because Christ drew a crowd of 5000 who followed his preaching for the first time.

Model of Temple

Because of the importance of Jerusalem (especially) to Judaism, and its role as the third Holy city of Islam, both their religious sites made our itinerary, too.  The Wailing Wall—the remnant of the Temple area where the two great synagogues of antiquity stood—featured an evening visit during which Orthodox Jews were, ironically, mourning the destruction of both temples (the 9th day of the 9th month), as well as one during the day.  As mosques point to Mecca, synagogues point to Jerusalem, and the synagogues within Jerusalem point to the Wailing Wall.  Of course, since 1967 and the end of the 6 day war, all of Jerusalem is part of Israel, and the democratic/theocracy of Orthodox Jews who run the country (more or less) have stamped some of the laws—for example, our hotel had a “Sabbath elevator;” when I asked what that was, I was told it was an elevator that automatically stopped at every floor, without anyone indicating a floor, since pushing it was “work,” which is forbidden on the Sabbath for Orthodox Jews.  We also stopped in a Kibbutz, which dated from the late 1930s, for a kosher meal; since we had meat dishes (the farm raises cows), we had a flavored ice desert, not ice cream.

The main Muslim site is the Church of the Rock, sacred to Muslims because that’s where Mohammed was supposed to have ascended to Heaven (and to Jews because it is where God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac). It is pretty much off limits to tourists, however; we were told that you have to recite the Koran to gain admittance.  For many years (really until the British mandate over Palestine after World War I), Jerusalem was under Muslim rule after the fall of the Byzantine empire.  The Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted about 200 years after the first crusade, rebuilding many of the churches the Muslims destroyed, but the Muslim reconquest again turned many of the churches into mosques, or destroyed them again.  Hence, many of the churches on sacred sites are fairly recent constructions, though many include remnants of those built by Empress Helena (Constantine’s mother who helped him decide on the conversion of the Empire into a Christian state), and those of the crusaders.

I was a little surprised at the nature of old Jerusalem, a city of 750,000, like Israel itself, roughly 80% Jewish.  A wall built by the Ottoman emperor Suleiman the Magnificent surrounds it, which you might have seen on the news because Mr. Romney was here   Walking in the old city, one goes from quarters to quarters—there’s an Armenian quarter (Armenia was the first Christian country), a Muslim quarter, and a Jewish quarter—along with ruins from the Romans, and even King David, who founded Jerusalem around 1000 BC.  There was some pretty neat shopping—and it says something about the tourist mix that there were Sox, Cubs and Bulls t-shirts in English—and Hebrew.  At 3000 feet above the Jordan Valley (which is around 1000 feet below sea level), it was a lot cooler–thankfully.

As for the Christian holy sites, their administration reflects, I think, the divisions that sometimes plague Christianity itself— there are usually three groups—Catholics (usually the Franciscans), the Greek Orthodox (you can easily tell their part of the church by the icons), and the Armenians, but sometimes others such as the Coptic Christians (of Egypt), Assyrians, etc. There’s a ladder in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, for example, that the Armenians used until the 1870s to enter the church from an adjacent building, until a truce allowed them to use the front door like everyone else. The ladder has remained in place, however, because the three groups haven’t been able to decide who should move it. The Muslim-other position can be perhaps defined by their closing of the Dome of the Rock to nonbelievers; and the Muslim-Jewish position was suggested by our guide from the Jewish side, when he pointed out a synagogue in the old city was destroyed when the Muslims took the city; when the Jews returned, they did not destroy the mosque, but rebuilt the temple next door.  And across from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (through the checkpoint to get into Palestinian authority land) there’s not only a new mosque, but a poster of an armed Palestinian warrior with the challenge to restore and reunite….wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were peace among the religions in the Holy Land, as a step toward peace on Earth?