I think there was another post from KL–One of the faculty discovered the fireflies at Kuala Selangor. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings ever. I recall remarking on the twinkling of the fireflies, on and off at the same moments, bright as Broadway one minute, dark as a dungeon the next. I think this was trip we went there in the evening. Apparently, the show is a mating dance, and when the fireflies have their partners, the electricity shuts off. There was also a seafood dinner at a nearby restaurant, where the Selangor River meets the sea.
Somewhere on this trip, we went to the Batu caves. The shrine is especially important to Tamil. The huge gold statue of Murugan was completed in 2006. On this trip, I ran into a guide I’d had on a previous trip, who remembered me and JR. How could he forget?
Wish I had the contemporary record…