I’m in Lvov Lvov

At the Lvov Opera House for a performance of Verdi's "Il travatore"
At the Lvov Opera House for a performance of Verdi’s “Il travatore”

May 29, 2010

Professor Pana was right.  I was in love with Romania. But that was yesterday’s news.  And today I’m in Lvov, Ukraine (not the Ukraine), and I’m in Lvov with a new city.

Part of my joy comes from just being allowed in the country.  With some free time in the airport in Timisoara, I thought I ought to do my homework on Lvov.  I read a guide online, which stated that the city is underappreciated because foreigners need a visa to visit Ukraine.  Sweat started to roll down my face, as I envisioned spending two days at the Lvov airport, unable to enter the country because I hadn’t applied for a visa.  I wondered whether I could get one if needed at the airport, or whether I’d have to spend the time till my flight Monday in the never-never land in front of the customs desk.  Happily, the web was incorrect (there’s a lesson there for all you believers in electronics!), and I made it to the hotel.  And relieved because the airport, one of those Soviet-looking Stalin buildings (too much to tear down, said our Poland guide) had no amenities.

Then there was the second treat.  The hotel I’m at is the Opera, across from a turn-of-the century (20th) palace of the arts, the Opera House.  I inquired if there were any performances tonight. The concierge replied that the opera starts at six (it was 5:30), but he’d inquire.  He called 5 minutes later to tell me I had a ticket (for around 8$).  It was main floor for Verdi’s “Il Trovatore.”  For those of you who know Verdi’s Anvil Chorus, it’s from that opera.  The building itself was worth seeing, a beaux arts construction with about 1000 seats.  It sits on the main river through town, which was concreted over and diverted underground.  The performance was excellent.  A dinner of vareneky (dumplings), TV with the locals to watch the Kiev-Romania match, and I’m a happy camper.


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