Gracias / Thanks

Author: Pat Mora

Illustrator: John Parra

Publisher and year: Lee & Low Books, 2009

Number of pages: 32 pages

Genre: Picture Book

The book Gracias/Thanks is about the celebration of family, friendship, and many other things in life we can say thanks / Gracias for. It is lighthearted, bilingual, poetic, and joyful. Its colorful illustrations include those beautiful things in life.

The little boy in this book appreciates so many things. He appreciates the sun that makes the main character who is a little boy wake up everyday and the ladybug that landed on his fingers which is a flying surprise. He appreciates the foamy waves that chase him and his sister around with a fast splash and the bees that didn’t sting him and turn him into a pincushion. He appreciates Abuelita who always winks and gives him a dollar when nobody’s looking and his friend Billy who showed him the book about a boy giant who put his little parents on top of a tall tree when they misbehave. He appreicates ithe worms that brought big fish to tug on his line and his little brother who threw mashed peas at his sister and made him laugh so hard. He appreciates his mom who found his homework in the trash and the music of his uncle and his guitar that turns their dogs into howling singers. He appreciates his family who clapped and clapped even when he tripped on the stage in the school play and the chocolate his dad melts into thick syrup they call warm mud when they pour it on vanilla ice cream. He appreciates his old pajamas which is so soft that they feel like he is putting on air and the cricket hiding while serenades people to sleep. He is thankful for the existence of all of them.

Throughout the book, we see beautiful flowers, children’s picture books, apple trees, nice neighborhood, crowded beach, music notes, and many other things in nature. The illustrations are lively and they warmly depicted activities like dancing, fishing, working, and eating. The bilingual format features Spanish on the left-hand page and English on the right. So is the dedication and author’s note. It reminds kids that every language and every culture is important and equal. This book is like a mirror which can inspire children to think about things in their own lives that they can be grateful for. It provides such detailed textual examples and wonderful pictures for children.

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