Boryana Borisova ’17

Congrats to Boyana Borisova ’17 who has recently been selected as a Junior Fellow at the Library of Congress. The application alone for this opportunity is once in a lifetime and Borisova is very excited to have been awarded this position. Borisova would like to thank IWU for giving her the foundation for this position and her professors for the education they provided.

“The Library of Congress Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program will enable me to experience the integrated analog and digital collections and services of the world’s largest, all-inclusive library. The focus of the program is to increase access to special, legal and copyright collections, and to promote awareness and appreciation of the Library’s services to researchers including Congressional members, scholars, students, teachers, and the general public. 

As a Junior Fellow, I will work to add catalog records to the Voyager ILS to the Russian Cyrillic Priority 4 Collection which consists of 600 Russian books published between 1880 and 1940.” -Boryana Borisova ’17

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