Nicole Chlebek ’16 and Sarah Mmari ’97


For the first time in 20 years, Sarah Mmari ’97 (center) visited the IWU campus with her mother (left) and a family friend. Mmari, a native of Tanzania, returned to her home country after finishing her coursework in business administration in December 1996. “IWU gave me the tools to start my life in Tanzania,” she said. “When you graduate from here, you have the confidence to be able to do anything.” After working in banking for several years, Mmari now owns a small logistics company with her husband. Her visit to campus included a serendipitous meeting with Admissions Counselor Nicole Chlebek ’16, who studied abroad in Tanzania as a student. Chlebek recorded the visit with her phone. (Photo by Robert Frank III ’14)

Alumni at the 2016 Internship Fair

Multiple Class of 2016 alumni spoke with current students at the 2016 Internship Fair to help build connections with future employers. Christine Peterson ’16 attended on behalf of Allstate, Amy Dunn ’16 spoke about Marcfirst, and Thalia Novoa ’16 attended with The Immigration Project.