Nunzia Martino ’16 and Alejandro Mancera ’15

Nunzia Martino ’16 and Alejandro Mancera ’15 recently got married at Riverside Receptions in Geneva, IL on April 27th, 2024. Several IWU alums were present at the wedding (pictured below). Congratulations Nunzia and Alejandro!

Back Row (left to right): Casey Williams ’16, Kyla Thomas ’16, David Podrazik ’15, Mike Roy ’14, Derek England ’15 Front Row (left to right): Rainie Tezak ’16, Nunzia Mancera (Bride) ’16, Alejandro Mancera (Groom) ’15, Miles Podrazik ’16, Krystal England ’15, Kimberly Mensah ’16

Jazmyne Kellogg ’16

Jazmyne Kellogg ’16 participated in the Hart Career Center’s panel “Champions of Change,” which focused on Minor Myers, Jr.’s challenge: “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.” Congrats and thank you for participating!

Megan Win ‘16

Megan Win ‘16 started a new position as Occupational Therapist at Southwest Cook County Association for Special Education. She is also part of the Illinois OT Association’s Medicaid Task Force, which was recently selected as the recipient of ILOTA’s inaugural Political Action Award. Congratulations Megan!

Jazmyne Kellogg ’16

Jazmyne Kellogg ’16 is now the chair of the IWU Alumni of Color Collective (ACC), which provides meaningful opportunities for minority alumni to engage with the Illinois Wesleyan community through social, educational, and service activities. Congratulations Jazmyne!