Chris Tatara ’14

Alum Chris Tatara ’14 spent the summer of 2014 interning with Scholars at Risk (SAR), an international network of education institutions that works towards promoting academic freedom worldwide and defending attacks on higher education communities.

Tatara stayed in New York to work for the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), of which Scholars at Risk is a member, until July of 2015.

In an interview with Scholars at Risk, Tatara spoke on topics including how he learned about SAR and what he found compelling about the group and their work.

“I was very passionate about my schoolwork and studies—I viewed them as my personal and professional contribution to society. So the thought of somebody taking that away immediately connected with me,” said Tatara. The full interview can be read here.

Tatara will begin classes for his Master’s at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He will study for a year at their campus in Bologna Italy, before returning to finish his degree in Washington DC next year.

Chris Tatara '14

Chris Tatara ’14