Hannah Smith ’14 Works as Midwifery Intern in Africa

Through the healthcare internship community Work the World, nursing alumna Hannah Smith spent three weeks this summer as a midwifery intern at Mount Meru Regional Hospital in Arusha, Tanzania. She witnessed over 40 births over the course of her internship, performed eight deliveries independently, and worked as the nurse in three cesarean sections.

Hannah Smith '14 cradling a newborn

Hannah Smith ’14 cradling a newborn

“What I liked most about my internship placement were the experiences that I would not likely see in the United States,” said Smith. “Being immersed in a culture where fetal heart tones are taken only every four to six hours on a woman in labor and documentation is done on a scrap of paper helped me grow to appreciate the charting and standards that we have in the United States.”

Read the full article here.

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