Jensin (Roberts) Clark ‘13

Jensin (Roberts) Clark ‘13 began her appointment as an adjunct professor in the music department at Lake Superior College in Duluth, Minnesota last month.

In addition to teaching, Clark also maintains an active schedule as a Minnesota Music Teachers Association endorsed adjudicator as well as being the recently appointed president of the Arrowhead Music Teachers Association.

Congratulations, Jensin!

Andrew Villaseñor ‘13

Andrew Villaseñor ‘13 recently received a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Degree from Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Harrogate, Tennessee. He will continue his medical training in an internal medicine-preliminary residency at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Louisville, KY. Also, in July of 2019, Andrew was awarded the Sherry R. Arnstein Minority Scholarship.

Wow! Congratulations, Andrew! Keep up the great work!

Joe Musso ‘13

In December of 2019, Joe Musso ‘13 joined CBS Sports HQ as a full-time anchor. CBS Sports HQ is a streaming video sports channel produced by CBS Sports and CBS Interactive.
Congratulations, Joe! We hope you are enjoying your new role.

Share with IWU Archives regarding your experiences during COVID-19

“Illinois Wesleyan University’s archives is creating a digital record of IWU community members’ (students, staff, faculty and alumni) experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic beginning with the first campus communication on February 3, 2020 (or earlier, for Titans who are further afield!) and extending through the time that in-person activities resume on campus.”

For more information, email or visit this Archives & Special Collections post from Meg Minor: IWU Archives COVID-19

Ways to engage with IWU during COVID-19

Social distancing and quarantining can lead to feelings of isolation or loneliness. But there are plenty of ways to get involved and stay connected. Always remember, we are never alone!

On a personal note, I am doing well – Due to COVID-19 in the surrounding area, I am working remotely for my position in Human Resources at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  I am in the midst of the 5th week of working remotely, and while I miss my coworkers, I am very grateful for the safety and opportunity to be able to work remotely during this time.  I am keeping busy and doing my best to stay safe, due to several underlying health conditions putting me at a higher risk during this time.

Please feel free to post comments on this post, to share stories of how you are doing.  We would love to get a conversation going and we would love to hear from you!

Here are some ideas of ways to connect with your fellow Illinois Wesleyan community.

  • Performances from IWU alumni, students and faculty
    Contact us at if you have a virtual performance to share. Follow the School of Theatre Arts Facebook page for posts about performances by students and alumni.
  • Virtual Titan Connections
    We miss connecting with Titans in person, but we would love to see photos or videos from your virtual connections. Show your Titan pride and tag IWU Alumni Association (@IWU_AlumniAssoc) on Twitter and (@illinoiswesleyanalumni) on Facebook. You can also post in your Regional Alumni Chapter’s Facebook group, reunion group, or affinity group. Follow Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Association social media for the latest updates and announcements – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
  • Back to College Classes
    Check out videos of previous classes featuring alumni.
  • Titan Trivia
    Use the breakout rooms in Zoom for a virtual Titan Trivia contest. Visit the IWU archives for question ideas.
  • Take part in Titan Talks: Webinar Series
    We are excited to launch this series featuring alumni, faculty and staff.
  • Titan Challenges
    Challenge your fellow Titans to a virtual 5K or fitness challenge. Be sure to wear your favorite Titan gear and share a photo or you can send it to
  • Start a Titan Group
    Have you been wanting to start a book club? Let us know at and we can help connect you to other interested alumni.
  • Zoom Photo Backgrounds
    Upload one of these Bloomington-Normal photo backgrounds to your Zoom call – check out the photo of Joslin Atrium!

Looking for something to do from the comfort of your home? Here are some opportunities to share your experience and expertise:

  • Be a part of Illinois Wesleyan history & share your thoughts
    Illinois Wesleyan University’s Archives & Special Collections is creating a digital record of IWU community members’ (students, staff, faculty and alumni) experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more and participate here.
  • Career Connection & Workshops
    The Hart Career Center will host virtual career programs/workshops for students on how to navigate the job and internship search. If you have expertise that you can share with students, please connect with a Hart Career Center staff member for a phone or video appointment through a Handshake account here. You can also post job and internship opportunities on the site. View FAQs here. Follow the Career Center on Instagram and Facebook @iwucareercenter.
  • Volunteer as a Titan Alumni Ambassador
    Assist the IWU Admissions team in student recruitment efforts. Our alumni are the best and most qualified to meet with prospective students to share your IWU experience. Sign up here: Titan Alumni Ambassadors.

For more ideas, or to sign up for volunteering opportunities, visit here.All the best,

Debbie Skinner ’13

“Alumni Provide Leadership in COVID-19 Global Response”

“In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, hundreds of Illinois Wesleyan University alumni –– doctors, nurses, first responders, community and industry leaders, and countless others –– are at the front lines of the international health crisis.”

To read more about IWU alumni and their involvement in helping with in the midst of COVID-19, please see the full length article: Alumni Leadership

If you wish to share an update about yourself or other alumni making significant contribution efforts in response to the COVID-19, please email

Thank you, and may all the best health and peace be with you.

~Debbie Skinner ’13, Class of 2013 IWU Newsletter Editor


Sharing updates for the Class of 2013 Newsletter

Hello, everyone!

I want to share this link (Click here for form to submit news updates) to the form where you can share your news updates to the Illinois Wesleyan Magazine which will then be reviewed and possibly included in the magazine.  Also, filling out the form will send the news to the online newsletter program.

Alternatively, feel free to email me at with any updates you wish to be shared to the Class of 2013 alumni newsletter.

I miss you all! Take care in these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

~Debbie Skinner ’13, Class of 2013 IWU Newsletter Editor