Jordan ’12 and Carolyn (Leonard) Zimmer ’11



Jordan Zimmer (Class of ’12) and I got married in August of 2012.  Since we have gotten our pictures back, we have had many requests that we send in the classic “IWU picture” that was taken for the magazine.  We had over 60 IWU alumni/students in attendance from Class of 1985 to the Class of 2013.

Carolyn Zimmer (Leonard, Class of ’11)

iwu photo

Colin Schofield ’12- Presented Research in Cuba

Schofield Colin presenting paper in Cuba

Colin Schofield presented papers at the XIII Simposio Internacional de Comunicacion Social (13th International Symposium on Social Communication) January 2013. Schofield’s paper, based on research carried out during his study abroad experience with SIT Chile, was titled: “Etnologia del exito academico: los tres lados” (Ethnology of academic success: three sides).

The conference focused on communication in multiple ways, such as linguistics, medicine, mass media, art, folklore and computational linguistics. It was held at the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment’s location in Santiago de Cuba, the Centre for Applied Linguistics.

Schofield Colin in Cuba

Alex Kim’s ’13 Veggie Bike Helps IWU Peace Garden


Alex Kim created a bike as an environmentally friendly vehicle that can be used for distribution of the Peace Garden’s produce. According to Kim, the Veggie Bike is, “A bike-powered trailer that was created with the intent of aiding the IWU Peace Garden in its efforts to exemplify and maintain sustainable principles through practice. In short, it will help the Peace Garden be as green as possible.”  The Peace Garden, established by junior political science major Ryan Dyar and senior environmental studies and Hispanic studies double major Danny Kenny, is the campus garden created to grow produce for Illinois Wesleyan’s food provider, Sodexo and the Bloomington-Normal community.  Students and faculty volunteer their time in order to help the Peace Garden flourish.

Veggie Bike

The idea of a Veggie Bike came about during discussions on where the harvested food would be delivered. “There are several places around Bloomington that accept food donations from the garden already, and hopes are that additional places like the Farmers’ Market and places in West Bloomington might be new venues of distribution,” Kim said.


Amy Fairgrieve ’12 Awarded Fellowship


June 4, 2013

BLOOMINGTON, Ill.— Amy Fairgrieve, Class of 2012, has been awarded a $5,000 Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship to complete a doctorate program at the University of Minnesota (U of M). She is one of 51 students awarded this fellowship nationally.

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi currently awards 51 Fellowships of $5,000 each and six of $15,000 each to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Each university-affiliated Phi Kappa Phi chapter selects one candidate from among its applicants to compete for the society-wide awards.

“U of M appealed to me because of how seamlessly the program fits with my research interests. My Research Honors project at IWU focused on Cognitive Literary Theory and I would like to continue work in that area,” said Fairgrieve, an English literature major while at IWU, from North Aurora, Ill.

Mary Edwards ’12

Hello. I would like to submit a photo of my IWU friends and me at my wedding for the IWU Magazine. All ten of us lived on the same floor freshman year, Munsell 7, and we’ve been best friends ever since! Our wedding photographer was also an IWU alum, Lauren Kier. We all graduated in 2012 (except Kelly Cook, who graduated in 2011) and the wedding was June 16th 2012.

Mary edwards '12

The names of the girls in the photo are (from left to right) Marissa Hoover, Liz Towery, Laura Gaffey, Meara Dibadj, Mary (Edwards) Nowak (bride), Kathryn Rehor, Kelly Cook, Emily Gumm, and Kathy Woods.