Tim Sunzeri ’11

A note from Ross Fraser ’78:Ross Fraser '78

I am a graduate of IWU (’78) and in my 11th year working     as the director of media relations for Feeding America, the   nation’s largest hunger relief organization.

We are the network of most of the food banks in the country. We distribute food to about 60,000 soup kitchens and food pantries across the nation.

We feed  more than 5 million people each week and will distribute more than 4 billion pounds of food this year.

Forbes Magazine rates us as the 3rd largest charity in the U.S.

But I am not the only IWU graduate here. Sam Harris (2010) works with the food industry to help us get donations of food, and Tim Sunzeri (2011) is a senior budget analyst in our philanthropy department.

The photo above is of Ross appearing on the Rachael Ray. She surprised them with a check for $100,000!

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