Sean Dwyer at IWU Financial Services Panel 10/18/16

Sean Dwyer ’10 spoke on the captureFinancial Services Panel on October 18 to talk to current IWU students about careers in finance.

Per Sean 11/3/16, “I was there to help inform students on what my industry is like. From expectations getting into the financial services industry, specifically building a financial advising practice to what qualities might fit the career I am in. It was fantastic giving back to the IWU community. Sharing the passion for what I do is always something I love and I am happy to be of help in anyway to current students and alumni as well. “

Aaron Massey to open school in St. Louis

“I have been selected and approved to open my own school in St. Louis that will open next school year. This has been my goal since I’ve been at IWU and in a few months, I will make that goal a reality. Thanks IWU for providing me a solid foundation to grow from.” – Aaron Massey ’10

Please join me in congratulating Aaron in reaching his goal! Great job Aaron!

UPDATE from Aaron Massey:

“My school’s name is Eagle College Prep Gravois Park. It’s a tuition-free public charter school in South St. Louis. I’m originally from East St. Louis. Although it’s 5 minutes across the bridge in Illinois, I consider it home. I’ve spent my entire career planning to move home and open a school.  So this opportunity is exciting.

Opening a school starts with securing funding,  a building,  a charter,  etc. but that part is already done.  My job now is to recruit scholars (I’m going to have 180 scholars in my first year so I’m going to have to recruit even more than that), recruiting a teaching and office staff, and refining my vision for specific school level systems like how I coach teachers,  my philosophy about discipline, etc.”

Please stay tuned for an interview with Aaron Massey later this month.

Michael Gorman ’10 discusses “Complete Streets” concept

Michael Gorman ’10 discussed the Complete Streets concept, which he helped incorporate into the Bloomington Comprehensive Plan as chairman of the transportation/air quality working group. Please read the story here.

See how much progress Michael is making since we last wrote about his accomplishments here.

Congratulations, again, Michael, on your success!

IWU Socks – 2 Weeks Only!


Show your Titan Pride! 

From now through July 31, you can receive a pair of Illinois Wesleyan socks with your gift of $25 or more. All proceeds, unless otherwise designated, will support current students through the Wesleyan Fund.

These limited edition socks are only available through the end of the month.

Click here to order.

Get yours by making a gift of $25 or more at today!

(This offer only applies to individuals who make a gift of $25 or more by July 31. Limit 1 pair per donor.
Per IRS regulations, the $10 cost of the socks is not tax-deductible.)

Kelly Petersen ’10 received National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship!

Kelly Petersen ’10 has received the prestigious, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship!

Please follow the link to learn more and join me in congratulating Kelly on her accomplishment!
Kelly, good luck at your Ph.D. program in ecology at the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia (UGA)!

Michael Gorman ’10 Invests in BloNo Community

“…If only one side gave any input into every topic, then we would not be where we are as a community. Give an example of what you would like to see instead, rather than just saying ‘no.'”
-Michael Gorman
“Millennial’s Interest in Govt. Spurs Participation.” N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. 

Michael Gorman has the mentality of a strong-minded millennial who wants his rational voice heard. As your class blog editor, I find the above quote completely relevant when I face personal obstacles, be them small or large. When Michael learned about opposition from leaders about bike lines lining along Bloomington’s Main St., he aimed to encourage others to speak their mind instead of shooting down ideas.

Way to go, Michael! Your participation in the community is inspirational to us all!

Ronni Tansey ’10: Loyola University Chicago Law School Intra School Moot Court Competition

Ronni Tansey ’10 competed in the Loyola University Chicago Law School Intra School Moot Court Competition.
Ronni made it to the top 8 to compete in the semi-finals and further further advanced to the quarter-finals! There were over 40 Loyola students that competed in the intra-school competition. Ronni also won an award for having the best written brief (30 page Appellate level!!). Next year, Ronni will be competing as a member of Loyola’s National Moot Court Competition 
Basu '12 and Tansey '10
Please join me in congratulating Ronni on all of her success!
(Ronni is pictured on the right along with Robin Basu ’12 who will compete in the semi-finals with her.)

It’s a great day to be a Titan! Are you All In?

Today is All In for Wesleyan at IWU.  Dr. Randy Reed ’73 has offered to give $500 for each class year with 30 donors today, and an additional $500 for each class with 60 donors. Seriously – every dollar counts! Help the class of 2010 meet this Challenge.  Click this link to donate  You can also see how 2010 is doing in the challenge.


You can see All In on campus by clicking here.

Sean Dwyer ’10 Prospect Heights Water Committee

Sean Dwyer ’10, a certified financial planner, was appointed to the Prospect Heights Water Committee.
Sean says “I’ve been wanting to get involved with the community and there was an opportunity to get on the advisory board here. The water topic is a big one here in my town as some homes are on well while others are hooked to the city lines. I am intrigued by the topic and love giving back!”

Congratulations, Sean!
What a great way to get involved in the community!