Britnee (Ruscitti) Kenyon ’10

Britnee (Ruscitti) Kenyon ’10 is a finalist for the 2022 Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching. Britnee has been the theatre director at Deerfield (Ill.) High School since 2019 after previous teaching roles at Rolling Meadows and Maine West high schools in Illinois. She has also served as a secondary school theatre representative for the Illinois Theatre Association. The Golden Apple Award is presented by the Golden Apple Foundation, the leading Illinois nonprofit committed to preparing, honoring and supporting educators who advance educational opportunities for students.

Matt Wennmaker ’10

Matt Wennmaker ’10 was named executive director of the Illinois Junior Golf Association in February 2020. Matt previously served as the IJGA’s associate executive director. An All-American golfer at Illinois Welseyan, he is the organization’s first executvie director to have played in the IJGA events growing up. Matt joined the IJGA full-time in 2011–he served an internship in 2010–and has previously served as a tournament manager, manager of communications and events, director of communications and events, and senior director of programming. Congrats!

TAG Day 2020

Thank-A-Giver Day (TAG Day) is Monday, February 10. This day provides the IWU campus community with the opportunity to thank donors who support Illinois Wesleyan. IWU celebrates each year in mid-February because it marks the symbolic point during the academic year – about 70% of the way through – when we rely on support from alumni and friends, our endowment, and external grants.  

If you would like to be celebrated as a donor today, you can make a gift at