Kathy (Pechous) Risch ’10 and her husband Chris have recently welcomed a new daughter, Elaina Mary Risch, on October 25, 2024! Congratulations!
Category Archives: Marriages & Births
Joey Schmitt ’10
Joey Schmitt ’10 and Justin Leonard recently welcomed a new baby, Kieran Leo Schmitt, into their home on September 2, 2024! Congratulations!
Brian Schaeffer ’10
Teodora Petrova ’10 and Sherman Wallace ’09
Bevin (Cowie) Choban ’10
Alessandra and Kraig Ladd ’10
Congratulations to Alessandra Ladd ’10 and Kraig Ladd ’10 on the birth of their newest Tiny Titan, Alessia Caroline Ladd on January 13, 2021. We wish their family all the best! Also, congrats to Alessandra (Bollero) Ladd ’10 on winning her club Championship this year which was announced in the CDGA Chicago District Golfer.
John Mastandona ’10
Congratulations to John Mastandona ’10 and Caroline (McMahon) Mastandona ’12 on the birth of their tiny titan, Juliet Rose Mastandona, born April 8th, 2021. We wish them all the best!
Chris Betzle ‘10
Congratulations to Chris ’10 and his wife Embarina Betzle on the newest addditon to their family! The pair welcomed Eleena Grace Betzel on January 19, 2019.
Mackenzie ‘10 and Adam ‘10 Crouch
Congratulations to Mackenzie and Adam Crouch on the newest addition to their family! Tessa Mae Crouch was born on April 22, 2020, weighing 8 lbs and 6 oz, at 20 inches long.
Yay, Crouch family!!
Grant Magerkurth ’10 and Melinda (McNeil) Magerkurth ’10
Grant & Melinda (McNeil) Magerkurth (both class of 2010) welcomed their third daughter, Jacqueline James Magerkurth on Friday, December 13th at 12:25 am. Jacqueline weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. Jacqueline is named after her maternal great-grandfather, James Mikel, as well as her maternal great-great uncle, James Killoran. Jacqueline’s siblings Lorelai Anne (4) and Vanessa Rae (1) are thrilled to welcome their baby sister to the family.