Babawande Afolabi ’10

Babawande Afolabi ’10 is the founder and CEO of Green Africa Airways.

The new airline has received an Air Transport License (ATL) from the Nigerian Government, commenced its Air Operating Certificate (AOC) process and is in conversations with leading aircraft manufacturers. Green Africa Airways also recently announced that it has completed its Series A round of financing with Kuramo Capital, a Pan African independent investment management group based in New York with additional offices in Lagos and Nairobi. As part of the new investment, Green Africa Airways has also formed an advisory board of senior industry leaders.

Afolabi said, “We are incredibly fortunate and honored to have reputable leaders back Green Africa Airways. The consortium brings seasoned experience, extensive global networks and value-based leadership to Green Africa Airways. This pivotal Series A round of financing and outstanding advisory board will strengthen our journey to build Green Africa Airways into a top-notch carrier that will help create a better future for several millions of customers in Nigeria and Africa at large.”

Here is a link to the full article.

Congratulations, Babawande!

All In for Wesleyan

Tuesday, April 3rd is our day of giving at Illinois Wesleyan and this year’s theme is
Think Bigger! 
Not only is today a day for giving, it’s a day to celebrate IWU and all of the things that make it special.  Last year, our class had an impressive 47 donors, and we contributed $2,276. Let’s think bigger and surpass last year’s donors and dollars contributed! Think of the impact this can make for IWU students and their families!

Click here to learn more and to donate on Tuesday, April 3rd.
Help spread the word using #AllInForWesleyan and take advantage of our social media toolkit.

Homecoming 2017: Back to College Classes – Coco Bassey ’10

Coco Bassey ’10 is the founder and editor in chief of Millennielle, a digital lifestyle and fashion publication, created in 2013 by and for millennial women. Alongside her blog, she also works as a Product Marketing Manager for Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting North America in the metro Atlanta area. IWU welcomed Coco as an Alumni Speaker for Back to College Classes at Homecoming 2017, Titans Around the World. Her class, entitled “The Importance of a Powerful Digital Brand”, may be viewed below.

Congratulations, Coco!

The Importance of a Powerful Digital Brand from IWU Video on Vimeo.

Homecoming Veteran’s Service 2017

As IWU celebrates Titans Around the World at Homecoming this weekend, we will also honor our alumni who served worldwide as veterans and first-responders, including Captain Ryan A. Beaupre ’95. We will remember Ryan and all veterans and first-responders who have given their lives in the service of others and our country. Presenting the colors will be American Legion Color Guard Post 635 Normal and Post 56 from Bloomington. The ceremony will take place this Saturday, October 14th at 12:45 p.m., prior to the Homecoming Football game at Tucci Stadium and will include the National Anthem sung by Wayne Messmer ’72.  Classmates and friends can view the ceremony on streaming video live at

Matthew Tannenbaum ’10 IWU Memory.

My fondest memories are Tuesday studio dinners with Dr. Moham, late night Survey study sessions in the Ames reading room with Renee Cook and Susan Rapp (catered by McDonald’s), and of course the first week of freshman year when Sam Katz introduced me to one of my now best friends, Nicolette Varan!