Professor Elizabeth Balser

We are very sorry to inform you that Professor Elizabeth (Susie) Balser,  faculty member in Biology for more than 20 years, passed away last month following an extended illness. Susie was recognized as an expert on the anatomy of echinoderms. Her passion for invertebrate animals inspired the creation of three new courses at IWU. Both as an instructor and as a research mentor, Susie challenged students to carefully study the natural world and make their own discoveries.

Elizabeth (Sowatzke) Schlicht ’09

Elizabeth was recently promoted to Associate  Executive & Director of Digital Marketing for Association Acumen, LLC where she serves as Executive Director for the Minnesota Academy of PAs and Associate Executive Director for the Automotive Fleet & Leasing  Association. She recently earned her Ceritified Association Executive (CAE) credential.

Kristina Mahr ’09

Kristina Mahr ’09 wrote the novel entitled  All That We See or Seem that is to be published May 15, 2018 by Uncommon Universes Press.

“Every night, seventeen-year-old Reeve Lennox finds herself under a noose. By day she is a lady of Acarsaid’s royal house, daydreaming of adventure and love. But every night in sleep she wanders through a nightmarish city, an invisible witness to the screeches of monsters and the screams of their victims. Her only consolation is Bran, a battle-torn young man with a selfless heart and eyes that reflect the stars.Yet while Reeve falls deeper into her dreams, in truth she is engaged to Arden, a mercurial nobleman who has long been cured of his belief in love and breathes fire and flattery like other people breathe air.
Torn between two lives, Reeve struggles to remember what’s real. Until night and day collide, with a revelation that threatens all of Acarsaid”

For more information visit :

Congratulations, Kristina!