Homecoming 2015

IWU Young Alumni Families – Bring your kids to… “All Free” Family Fun on the Eckley Quad

Saturday, October 10

8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Eckley Quad

Register Here for Homecoming

This event is promised to be fun for current and future Titans, alike, with activities for the whole family available! Join the IWU cheerleaders and Tommy Titan under the Big Top on the quad with activities ranging from face painting and a balloon artist to Titan Spirit Dogs and IWU History under the museum tent. Rain or shine, the fun will go on!

Homecoming 2015 – #TGOE (Titan Green Over Everything)

Evan Lowery ’08

Evan Lowery ’08, vice president of StringWorks, recently opened the company’s new facility at 327 Franklin St. in Geneva. StringWorks  sells, rents and repairs violins, violas, cellos and bows. Read more about the new store here.

Photo is by Sandy Bressner

Photo is by Sandy Bressner

Vicki (Beata) Ward ’08

Vicki (Beata) Ward ’08 and Brian Ward were married on June 27, 2015. Congratulations!

There were several alumni in attendance.

vicki ward

Back row from left to right:  Adam Pusateri (’08), Caitlin Ludwig (’08), Christie (Hybiak) Samrai (’08), Anton Samrai (’07), Donovan Davis (’07), Jake Colliander (’15), Alyssa (Underwood) DeWitt (’08)
Front row from left to right:  Grace Hollander (’08), Ashley Kappmeyer (’08), Claire (Goble) Cordray (’08), Sara (Longtin) Davis (’08), Vicki (Beata) Ward (’08), Andrea DeAvila (’08), Megan Sheehan (’08), and Maggie (Kotche) Colliander (’10).

Elizabeth (Smith) and Evan Lowery ’08

Elizabeth (Stith) Lowery ’08 was married to Evan Lowery ’08 in Naperville, Illinois on July 11, 2015.  Many IWU alumni were in attendance and a special appearance was made by Tommy Titan!
Attendees included (from the left): Randy Krepel ’08, Lindsey (Miller) Marks ’08 and Christopher Marks ’08, Vanessa Dremonas ’08, Amanda LaMonica-Weier ’08, Sara (Longtin) Davis ’08 and Donovan Davis ’07, Herb Stith ’76, Jack Herrmann ’74, Kerry Sindewald ’08, Kimberly (Stabosz) Zimmerman ’09, Ronni Tansey ’10, Todd French ’93, Laura Bales ’08, Rich Patenaude ’08, Lindsay (Perala-Dewey) Schlemmer ’09, and Sarah Campbell ’07.