Anne Kopf ’08

Anne Kopf, AIA ’08 has been promoted to architect at Quinn Evans Architects. Anne Kopf has worked extensively in the urban environment, contributing to multiple restoration projects at the Daughters of the American Revolution headquarters in Washington, D.C., and the modernization and adaptive use of the Old City Hall in Richmond, VA.

Abigail Williams-Butler ’08

Abigail Williams-Butler ’08 wrote her doctoral dissertation entitled “The Role of Relational Permanence in Positive Outcomes among African American Adolescents in Foster Care” as a Developmental Psychology graduate at the University of Michigan School of Social Work that has been published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies.
​More on her graduate work including other publications and awards can be found here.

All In For Wesleyan

Tuesday, April 3rd is our day of giving at Illinois Wesleyan and this year’s theme is
Think Bigger!

Not only is today a day for giving, it’s a day to celebrate IWU and all of the things that make it special.  Last year, our class had an impressive 58 donors, let’s try for 65 this year!  We contributed $3270. Our goal for this year is $3700! Think of the impact this can make for IWU students and their families!

Click here to learn more and to donate on Tuesday, April 3rd.
Help spread the word using #AllInForWesleyan and take advantage of our social media toolkit.

Andy Nelson ’08

Andy Nelson ’08 has been appointed director of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center International Research Office in London. Nelson most recently served as the Energy Branch chief at the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in Champaign. You can read more about it here.

Laurie Diekhoff

Laurie Diekhoff departed from IWU after 10 years at the Hart Career Center. She told her colleagues, “I spent 10 great years at the Career Center, enjoying my work, my colleagues, and the many relationships I have made on campus and in the community as a result of this position. Assisting students with their career development plans, helping employers fulfill their hiring needs, developing new programs, and contributing to the ongoing success of the Hart Career Center has been quite rewarding!”