Abby (Patten) Ortega ’08

Abby Patten and John Ortega married on June 30, 2012.  The wedding and reception were in Pontiac, IL.Ortega 08

The people in the picture are (back row, from left to right):  Jenna Osburn ’08, Elyse Haire ’08, Mallory Heydorn ’09, Sarah Bull ’08, Jennifer Daniels ’09, Mike Daniels ’71, Ashley Amelianovich ’05, Lindsay Sobinsky ’08, (back row, from left to right) Keelan Amelianovich ’06, Bo Osburn ’08, Roman Hunter ’10, Bryan Kelly ’08, Kerri Gravlin ’08, Courtney Detlefs ’08, Thea Rogers ’08, Adam Bruner ’05.

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