Natalie (Bruner) Slezak ’05

GazeboDr. Natalie (Bruner) Slezak ’05 and Dr. Jonathan Slezak were married in Levittown, PA, on June 27th, 2014. IWU alums were in attendance. Natalie and Jon met at West Virginia University, where they attended the same graduate program. After earning their Ph.D.s in Psychology in 2010, both completed Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. While completing her fellowship, Natalie applied for and received NIH’s Loan Repayment Program (LRP). Natalie and Jon now reside in Frederick, MD with their rescue dog, Rosie. Natalie is a Medical Research Analyst for Hayes, Inc, and Jon is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Mount St. Mary’s University.

Student loan repayment

During Sept 1–Nov 17 the NIH Division of Loan Repayment will be accepting applications for student loan repayment program for the areas of clinical research, pediatric research, health disparities research, contraception and infertility research, or clinical research for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

To qualify, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, possess a doctoral-level degree (with the exception of the contraception and infertility research LRP), and have educational loan debt equal to or exceeding 20 percent of his/her annual institutional base salary.

In addition, applicants must devote at least 20 hours per week to research that fits within one of five program areas: clinical research, pediatric research, health disparities research, contraception and infertility research, or clinical research for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Dr. Matthew Hendrickson ’05

Dr. Matthew Hendrickson completed a Doctorate in Law & Policy from Northeastern University this past April. His thesis, The Digital Expectation of Privacy: Recommendations and Compromises to Updating Existing Privacy Law, focuses upon updating antiquated laws to protect consumers’ digital rights to privacy.

This August, Matthew took on a new role, Director of Marketing Analytics & Research, within the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University.

YOU did it!

More than 5,000 alumni showed their support by making a gift to IWU in fiscal year 2014!

And for the second year straight, Illinois Wesleyan alumni have grown our alumni giving percentage. We are now at 23%!

THANK YOU for doing your part to keep IWU strong.  

47 Alumni Needed

IWU’s fiscal year ends TODAY – July 31 – Thank you if you’ve already made your annual gift!

Now help us find the 47 additional alumni donors we need to reach our participation goal by today. Organizations view alumni participation as the metric that measures alumni satisfaction. It affects IWU’s ranking, bond rating, and ability to earn grants, so make your gift today at to keep IWU strong!  Every donor counts!

all in tutu