Katie Brokaw ’02

Katie Brokaw ’02 married Colton Dennis on March 28, 2015 in Merced, California. A reception was held on June 20th in the Hansen Center. Several generations of alumni were in attendance, as well as faculty and staff. Katie’s parents both attended IWU and were part of the class of 1971.
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
 Katie Brokaw '02

Young alumni challenge


2015 Participation Goal: 5,286 Donors
• By July 31, 2015

Young alumni challenge:
• A trustee has agreed to make a $2,500 gift for every young alumni class (1999-2014) who reaches 24% or better before July 31.
• This means that for every class that hits 24%, IWU will be able to award an additional $2,500 scholarship to a deserving student.
• Also, an additional $2,500 gift will be made for any class that reaches 30%.
• All gifts count! Find out how your class stacks up by visiting


Mandi (Cioni) Perko ’02

Mandi Cioni, now Perko, (center) is joined by her sisters Kara Cioni (left) and Laura Cioni, now Vaessen, at her wedding in 2011. Even though the siblings live in different parts of Illinois, they stay in contact daily as they continue to follow in each other’s footsteps. Submitted photo

Mandi (Cioni) Perko ’02 (center) is featured, along with her two sisters, in a LaSalle News Tribune series on former Illinois Valley sports stars, “Where Are They Now?” Perko earned a master’s degree in reading at Illinois State University and has been teaching seventh grade English and reading at Beverly Manner Grade School in Washington since 2007.

Click the link to read the article!


Congrats Mandi!!

All In for Wesleyan Becomes a Tradition in 2015

I'm-All-In-For-Wesleyan-icon 2014

On April 9, Titans of all generations pulled together and showed their pride on the third annual All In For Wesleyan. More than 1,800 gifts of all sizes from 49 states and 17 countries totaled over $500,000 in support of Illinois Wesleyan University and our students. Our collective philanthropy served as an inspiration to the next generation as All In For Wesleyan firmly established itself as an Illinois Wesleyan tradition, both on campus and off. The class of 2002 had 31 donors on April 9th and donations totaling $4,432.50.

Thank you 2002 Alumni for being “all in” all the time, and for continuing to make Illinois Wesleyan one of your giving priorities. If you have already made your gift this year, thank you! If you have not made your gift this year, I hope that you will join me as a donor and put us one more gift closer to our participation goal. You can make your gift by visiting iwu.edu/give. It is your support that keeps Illinois Wesleyan strong, and develops the next generation of leaders.

Your partner in support,

Van Miller ‘04

Director of Annual Giving

Mike Mayo ’02 – The Premiere Theatre Company presents the Illinois International Film Festival

Support new film producers and original films from around the world including
IWU Class of 2002, Mike Mayo and his film,
For Out of the Heart
Tickets on sale beginning April 6 at Prisco or online: www.seatyourself.biz/foxvalleyparkdistrict.
Showing on Saturday May 2nd, 9:00 AM:
For Out of the Heart–a Thriller Feature:
Following the apparent heart attack and death of a controversial radio talk-show host, a cynical detective’s nagging hunch that sinister forces are at play drives him to doggedly pursue a killer only he is convinced exists.
More information can be found at:

Are you All In??

A message from President Wilson–

Today is All in for Wesleyan 2015!  All gifts made today will be matched by an anonymous donor (up to $75,000).

And this year, there’s a twist.  Let me explain.

Gifts to the Wesleyan Fund support student financial assistance and also the little, but essential, things that create the Illinois Wesleyan experience.  So today we’re celebrating these little essentials — the unsung heroes.  Make a gift today and your name could appear next to one of these items for a limited time.*

Give today and your name could be selected to grace the hot spot, the WESN microphone, and other pieces of campus that will be announced throughout the day. (Learn more)

Give today and your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor.

Give today and show that you’re proud to be a Titan!

*Like annual gifts, naming rights expire at the end of the fiscal year…but internet photos last forever. Photos of the selected names engraved on plaques, affixed to the items will be published on the last day of spring semester, April 21.