YOU did it!

More than 5,000 alumni showed their support by making a gift to IWU in fiscal year 2014!

And for the second year straight, Illinois Wesleyan alumni have grown our alumni giving percentage. We are now at 23%!

THANK YOU for doing your part to keep IWU strong.  

47 Alumni Needed

IWU’s fiscal year ends TODAY – July 31 – Thank you if you’ve already made your annual gift!

Now help us find the 47 additional alumni donors we need to reach our participation goal by today. Organizations view alumni participation as the metric that measures alumni satisfaction. It affects IWU’s ranking, bond rating, and ability to earn grants, so make your gift today at to keep IWU strong!  Every donor counts!

all in tutu

Class updates!

Hold on to your hats ’99ers, here is a bundle of updates:

  • Ethan and Karen Karolczak welcomed their son Brian Andrew on October 25, 2013
  • Christy Tucker and David Pleet announced the birth of Emilia Isabel, born 5/2/13
  • Crea Fusco now has an MD from Rush University Medical School, and is expecting twins late June 2014 with spouse Gena Hendrix Fusco
  • Director of Alumni Relations Ann Harding has retired from Illinois Wesleyan. Ann started working in the Career Center in 1988.

Congratulations everyone!

Summer Reading

2014 is the 10th year of the IWU Summer Reading Program for incoming students. This is also the 10th year I’ll be participating as a reading group facilitator. The idea of this program is to gently introduce our freshmen to some intellectual activity during the orientation week that is usually filled with move-in activities.

The book selection for this summer is The Madonnas of Echo Park by Brando Skyhorse. You can read this old NPR feature if you’d like to know more about the book.

Students are broken up into discussion groups that are facilitated by one or more faculty, staff, or alumni “grown-ups”. I’ve been asked to invite any alumni reading this blog to take part:

If you would like to participate in an alumni-only book discussion group in Bloomington, Chicago or Washington DC, please click here to register or contact your area Alumni Regional President directly.

· RSVP for the on-campus book discussion group on Friday, August 20, 6-8pm.

· Wednesday, September 3rd the author will be discussing his book at the President’s Convocation at 11 am at Westbrook Auditorium in Presser Hall, IWU.

Steve Raparelli ’99 update!

Steve Raparelli '99I got a message from Steve Raparelli ’99 the other day. After some time in the Chicago area he has recently moved to Washington state. Steve works as a Teacher of Visually Impaired students for Seattle Public Schools. When not teaching braille, assistive technology, and cane skills he enjoys taking advantage of the beautiful northwest by skiing and hiking. Great to hear from you, Steve!