Class of ’99 updates

Hi all, another batch of alumni updates, piled up for quite a while I’m afraid:

  • Karle Koritz ’99, who I remember from the Park Place singles house senior year, is now DeWitt County resident circuit judge for the 6th Judicial Circuit.
  • Maggie (Folk) Kendall ’99 won a $100,000 grant to build a therapeutic indoor riding facility, bringing equestrian opportunities to special needs children and adults.
  • Adriane Powell has been named Director of Alumni Relations at Illinois Wesleyan.
  • Taryn (Hettlinger) Parise ’99 and husband Tony welcomed son, Benjamin John Parise, on Jan. 28, 2015.
  • Karle Koritz ’99 (again!) and David Newberg ’75 have been working to protect the Mahomet Aquifer from hazardous PCB waste.
    Adriane Powell

    Adriane Powell, Director of Alumni Relations

    David Newberg (’75), Joni (Blue) Newberg (’75), Katy (McCain) Koritz (’01), and Karle Koritz (’99)

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