Shannon McManimon has two new books. She is co-author (with Zachary A. Casey) of Building Pedagogues: White Practicing Teachers and the Struggle for Antiracist Work in Schools (SUNY Press, 2020) and co-editor of Whiteness at the Table: Antiracism, Racism, and Identity in Education (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018), for which she also co-authored two chapters.
Whiteness at the Table examines whiteness in the lived experiences of young children, family members, students, teachers, and school administrators. It focuses on racism and antiracism within the context of relationships. Its authors argue that we cannot read or understand whiteness as a phenomenon without attending to the everyday complexities and conflicts of white people’s lives. Whiteness at the Table is to persuade white people of their moral and political responsibility to bring whiteness—as an explicit topic, as perhaps the most important problem to be solved at this historical moment—to the table.
Pedagogues details a two-year critical teacher learning seminar called “RaceWork,” facilitated by Zachary A. Casey and Shannon K. McManimon, both white teacher educators, working with eight white K12 teachers committed to advancing antiracism in their classrooms, schools, and communities. Drawing on interviews, field notes, teacher reflections, and classroom observations, Building Pedagogues details the program’s theoretical and pedagogical foundations; a unique tripartite approach to race and racism at personal, local, and structural levels; learnings, strategies, and practical interventions that emerged from the program; and the challenges and resistance these teachers faced.
Congratulations, Shannon, on your work!