All In for Wesleyan

On April 11, alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, and friends of IWU show your pride and support by being All In for Wesleyan. During this 24-hour giving day, let’s unlock opportunities together – you are key to our success!

Be All In, All Day, make an additional gift at and spread the word on social media using#AllInforWesleyan. Check out our social media toolkit!


Thank-A-Giver Day (TAG Day) is on Monday, February 11. This day provides the IWU campus community with the opportunity to thank the donors who support Illinois Wesleyan. IWU celebrates each year in mid-February because it marks the symbolic point during the academic year – about 70% of the way through – when tuition dollars run out and support from alumni and friends, our endowment, and external grants kicks in for the remainder of the year.

Thank you to all donors who help make the IWU experience possible!

All In for Wesleyan

Tuesday, April 3rd is our day of giving at Illinois Wesleyan and this year’s theme is
Think Bigger! 
Not only is today a day for giving, it’s a day to celebrate IWU and all of the things that make it special.  Last year, our class had an impressive 17 donors, and we contributed $2,384 Let’s think bigger and surpass last year’s donors and dollars contributed – we’re hoping for at least 25 donors to contribute $2,500! Think of the impact this can make for IWU students and their families!

Click here to learn more and to donate on Tuesday, April 3rd.
Help spread the word using #AllInForWesleyan and take advantage of our social media toolkit.

Homecoming Veteran’s Service 2017

As IWU celebrates Titans Around the World at Homecoming this weekend, we will also honor our alumni who served worldwide as veterans and first-responders, including Captain Ryan A. Beaupre ’95. We will remember Ryan and all veterans and first-responders who have given their lives in the service of others and our country. Presenting the colors will be American Legion Color Guard Post 635 Normal and Post 56 from Bloomington. The ceremony will take place this Saturday, October 14th at 12:45 p.m., prior to the Homecoming Football game at Tucci Stadium and will include the National Anthem sung by Wayne Messmer ’72.  Classmates and friends can view the ceremony on streaming video live at

Homecoming 2017

 Homecoming 2017 is right around the corner!

You can register now here

A few noteworthy events:

  • “Club Tommy” Saturday, 6-9pm (Cost: $20) – Young Main Lounge in the Memorial Center
  • Back to College Classes Friday and Saturday – The Ames Library, Beckman Auditorium
  • Titan Tailgate Featuring Local Food Trucks Saturday 10AM-1PM – Shirk Center Parking Lot

You can see the full schedule of Homecoming 2017 events here