Candidate sought for Alumni Awards

A message from IWU’s Office of Alumni Relations:

The IWU Alumni Association Nominating Committee needs your help compiling a list of alumni candidates for the Alumni Award categories below.

The Distinguished Alumnus/na Award
This award is presented annually to an alumnus/na who has made a distinguished contribution to society, has achieved professional distinction, or has demonstrated civic leadership.

The Robert M. Montgomery Outstanding Young Alumnus/na Award
Named for a 1968 alumnus and former IWU Alumni Director, this award recognizes young alumni for outstanding professional achievement, civic leadership, or both. Nominees for this award should have graduated less than 15 years ago.

The Loyalty Award
This award recognizes alumni who have benefited Illinois Wesleyan either through service to the University, strong financial support, or both.

Nominations are due by March 5, 2015 and can be made by contacting the Alumni Relations Office at 1-888-498-2586. Awards winners are announced at Homecoming. Any forms submitted after this date will be considered for Homecoming of the following year.

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