Tim Pritts ’91 with Kris Ford ’07

Tim Pritts Here is a picture of IWU grad Kris Ford and I in the trauma bay at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. We were in SRU1 (shock resuscitation unit or trauma bay) awaiting the arrival of a patient with multiple gunshot wounds. Over the past few years, we have had fun trading IWU, Bruce Criley, and Bob Hippensteele stories in the trauma bay and the surgical ICU. I continue to be value my IWU education- every day! Each time I work on a solving a problem- whether in the OR, trauma bay, ICU, or lab, I think about Criley and Hippensteele. Working on manuscripts brings back fond memories of asking questions, researching, and writing papers in freshman seminar with Dr. Jerry Israel. I even still have my presentation at the Research Conference on my CV as presentation #1. – Tim

Forgot to pick up your yearbook in 1988? The Wesleyana is available online.

Guilck Fall 1987

Sure, you may have complained about it at the time, but living in the dorms provided the most freedom many of us had experienced at that point in our lives. I met some of my best friends freshmen year on the third floor of Gulick Hall. Click to check out the cast of characters in the back row. To put some names with faces visit page 104 of the 1988 Wesleyana online archive.

Melinda Byerley ’91

Melinda Byerley is the CEO and Co Founder of Vendorsi, a 100% independent software research and evaluation platform for marketers in every budget range.  As a marketer for over 20 years, most recently as CMO of a Y Combinator startup Poll Everywhere, Melinda has been on the front line of buying marketing technology at all levels: from 6 figure ecommerce platforms to free social media tools.  Previously Melinda has been a general management and marketing leader at eBay, PayPal, Linden Lab/Second Life, and CheckPoint Software.  Melinda holds an MBA from Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Business, and a BFA in Theatre from Illinois Wesleyan University

Congratulations on all of your achievements, Melinda!