Carol Marie Glover ’77

Carol Marie Glover, eldest daughter of Irving & Carol GLover, lost her brief battle with liver cancer on Sunday, August 11th. For some years she had been living along the coast of Mystic, CT., following her passion as a photographic artist.

She had recently come to Daleville to rest and hopefully to regain her strength, never really knowing the extent of her illness. She died immediately following emergency surgery at Lewis Gale Medical Research Center. Her ashes rest next to her birth mother’s grave near Hershey, PA. She is survived by her parents and eight brothers and sisters.

“CM”, as she was known in her profession, was a 1977 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University, then later a graduate of the University of Virginia with a masters in Architectural History. Her photographs appeared in various local and national publications.

Carol Marie will be remembered by many for her love of chocolate, the sea, and nature in all its beauty and wonder.


Irving R. Glover

Mary Alice (Harris) Melchor ’70

melchor-webMary Alice Melchor is a candidate for Judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County.

The election is on March 18, 2014.

21 years of Legal Experience
Inspector General for the Clerk of the Circuit Court
CPS Special Education Teacher for 12 years
Bar Association Leader/Member: BWLA, WBAI, CCBA, ABA, NBA, ISBA, AABA, WBF, Pad, CBA
Civic Leader: Treasurer of Board of Directors of Cosmopolitan Community Church
Graduate of IIT/Chicago Kent College of Law

Linda Brace ’77

We have discovered that we have three Illinois Wesleyan alums working at Mercy Housing Lakefront in Chicago and wanted to share this!  IWU is one of the most represented universities in our office.  The attached picture is from Mercy Housing Lakefront’s annual Moving Forward Together fundraising and networking celebration on October 9, 2013.

Mercy Housing Lakefront is one of the Midwest’s premier non-profit affordable housing development and management companies. We have developed and currently manage 27 properties serving more than 3,900 residents.

Mercy Housing Lakefront

From left to right:

Alva Winfrey (class of 2000), Resource Development Director, Mercy Housing Lakefront

Linda Brace (class of 1977), Vice President Real Estate Development, Mercy Housing Lakefront

Kristin Jenkins Bronsteader (class of 1991), Senior Financial Analyst, Mercy Portfolio Services

George Jones ’77

George Jones has lived quite the life after receiving a bachelors degree in music education. George currently is the Garland ISD Director of Fine Arts in Texas, and recently was named Texas’ Music Administrator of the Year in 2012. To read more about George’s life please click here.

george jones