Dr. Joanne (Maske) Miller ’73 Awarded 2013 IWU School of Nursing Distinguished Alumna Award

nursing award miller print

2013 IWU The Annual School of Nursing Distinguished Alumna Award


Dr. Miller is an Associate Professor and Specialty Coordinator for the Adult Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurse Programs at Rush University College of Nursing, Chicago, IL. Dr. Miller is an active researcher and gerontological nurse practioner who publishes extensively and presents at national and international venues. She has been honored for teaching innovation, clinical research, and professional development. A Saturday morning social and awards ceremony honoring Dr. Miller will be held in the CNS Atrium. Dr. Miller will present a keynote address immediately following the social.

Bob Page ’79 Awarded 2013 IWU Distinguished Alumni Award

Bob Page '79 2013 IWU Distinguished Alumni Award | BOB PAGE Bob is president and CEO of The University of Kansas Hospital. He joined the hospital in 1996 as vice president of organizational improvement and later served as chief operating officer. Bob was named president and CEO in 2007. Bob has played a strategic role in The University of Kansas Hospital’s transformational journey from a financially troubled organization with poor patient and staff satisfaction to one of the top academic medical centers in the country. Under Bob’s leadership, the hospital has received Magnet recognition and been named to U.S. News & World Report’s Best Hospitals list for the past seven years (since 2007). 10 of its specialties ranked among the nation’s top 50 and is ranked number 3 in quality and accountability among academic medical centers by the University HealthSystem Consortium. Upon graduation with a degree in accounting, Bob began his career as a CPA for Pricewaterhouse (now PricewaterhouseCoopers). He recently endowed a scholarship in accounting in honor of his mother and in gratitude for the education he received at Illinois Wesleyan. From public accounting Bob moved into internal auditing at Jewish Hospital in St. Louis and gained extensive experience in the healthcare industry in financial and auditing positions. As a CPA, Bob decided to focus on healthcare and said in an interview, “Nothing I have done or will ever do professionally will be as meaningful. Helping people in critical moments of their lives provides lasting satisfaction.” See Bob’s Back to College Presentation given at Homecoming 2013 by clicking here.

Tom Dossett ’74

Tom Dossett was recently heralded as “The Champion of Bass Trombone Music” by the ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music).  Works that he has composed such as “Scenes for Bass Trombone,” “Sweet Lullaby for Bass Trombone,” “Caprice – from Trilogy,” “Furiant for Bass Trombone,” “Carousel Song for Bass Trombone,” and “Gaillarde – from Trilogy” have all been included on the syllabus.  All works are published through Warwick Music.  This is a great honor for him and he was thrilled to be given such a title by ABRSM Syllabus Manager, Robert Sargant.


  • “Scenes For Bass Trombone and Piano” was recently performed in Hong Kong at the University of St. Joseph in Macau, Hong Kong Baptist University and on the Hong Kong Radio Station RTHK 4 during the 1st week in October by bass trombonist, Martin McCain.
  • European Slide Factory Award Winner, “Art of the Slide – Suite for Trombone Quartet” made its US premiere at the 2013 Eastern Trombone Workshop, Washington, DC by The Minor 4th Trombone Quartet.
  • English Bass Trombonist, Jonathan Warburton will be doing a whole concert of Dossett works on his US tour of the Midwest in October-November of 2013
  • New CD of bass trombone music to include “Trilogy” coming out in early 2014. Recorded by Michael Everett, The University of Mississippi

A lot of his compositions for bass trombone have been performed by artists such as;
-Steve Norrell (NY Met Opera Orchestra)
-Randy Campora (Baltimore Symphony)
-Matthew Guilford (National Symphony)
-Murray Crewe (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
-Paul Pollard (NY Met Opera Orchestra)
-Dennis Bubert (Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra)
-Chris Matten (USAF Band, Washington, DC-retired)
-Karl Johnson (US Marine Band, Washington, DC)
-Jack Schatz (NY Studio Musician)
-Jonathan Warburton (Solo Artist, England)
-Jim Bermann (Florida Atlantic University, Florida Grand Opera, Miami City Ballet)
-Don Waldrop (former LA Studio Musician, Bob Florence Band)
-Thomas Streeter (former Airmen of Note, Illinois Wesleyan University-retired)
-George Curran (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra)
-Charles Vernon (Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
-Leslie Lake (English National Opera Orchestra-retired)
-Michael J. Brown (US Navy Band, Washington, DC)
-Martin McCain (Texas State University)
-New Trombone Collective (Netherlands)

His website is at  www.thescribblershand.com