Kevin Dunn joins the upcoming eight-episode HBO drama series ‘True Detective’.
Category Archives: News
Ann C. (Kniskern) Cousin ’76
Ann passed away on December 22, 2013. She will be missed by many.
Our deepest sympathies
IWU Thank a Giver Day
THANK YOU for continuing to make Illinois Wesleyan one of your giving priorities. It is YOUR support that makes IWU a truly transformative place for young people.
Norm Eash ’75
Norm Eash became the winningest coach in IWU football history with the Oct. 12, 2013 Homecoming Football victory over North Park, 52-21. The victory gave Eash 169 career wins.
Tim Wolfe ’75
Tim Wolfe , was recently endorsed by the Chicago Trib in his bid to U.S. House of Representatives, 9th district.
Dr. Ann Stroink ’76
Sue (Elliott) Belish ’73
I retired from my position as Superintendent of Sheridan County School District #1 in July of 2011. Since my retirement I was appointed by Wyoming Governor Matt Mead to serve on the Wyoming State Board of Education. This past October I became the Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs for Northern Wyoming Community College District. After more than 30 years in the K-12 world I am back for another college career. I appreciate learning about the next step in many of our students’ educational careers – the community college world. I guess I am just not proficient at retirement.
Henry Hunt ’72 and wife, Marie
Dear IWU,
I conducted the premiere of my wife, Marie Hunt’s new cantata “From Glory to Glory: The Life, Death and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” at the University of Chicago’s Rockefeller Chapel on MLK Sunday, January 19th. The piece used a jazz trio, a choir of 20 voices, and the magnificent EM Skinner organ. The cantata was part of a larger program entitled “A Dream in the Air,” which featured primarily original songs from Marie. The performance received a standing ovation from the 300 listeners.
Henry Hunt (1972)
University of Chicago News Release Link
Ann Culver Kniskern ’76
December 7, 1953 – December 22, 2013
Ann Kniskern passed away on December 22, 2013 from cancer. She was one semester short of her art degree (class of 1976) when she had to leave IWU. She subsequently finished her art degree at the University of Wisconsin, and furthered her education by getting a graphic art degree, her chosen professional field. She and I met in Gulick Hall in 1972, and moved to Madison, WI together on a whim in 1976. Ann and I, along with our families, remained dearest friends for the rest of her life. She was greatly loved by many people for her open heart and good nature. She is survived by her husband, Jim Cousin, and her sons Sam (29) and Carl (25) Cousin.
Christine White ‘75
Our deepest sympathy and condolences
Don Edmonson ’79
Don and Maile Edmonson are community leaders in Hampshire, Ill., where they run an award-winning business, the Ohana Dollar Store.
The couple received the 2013 Excellence Award from the Hampshire Area Chamber of Commerce for outstanding achievement in enhancing the Hampshire business community through their efforts in major business renovation and expansion. They were acclaimed as the most improved new business.