Spencer Sauter ’70

Professor of Hispanic Studies Carmela Ferradans edited and translated Incessant Beauty: A Bilingual Anthology of Ana Rossetti’s Poetry, published by 2LeafPress (April, 2014). Ana Rossetti’s poetics translation into English was done by R. Forrest Colwell Professor of American Literature Robert Bray; the book’s cover design is by Spencer Sauter.

Incessant Beauty Ana Rossetti

Read more about the book, here.


Deborah Adams ’79

Deborah Adams, associate professor at the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, was a speaker for the event Advocating for Social Justice: Make a Living Working for Change in the Hansen Student Center on February 28, 2014.


Thank you, Deborah!

Kent Johnson ’73

Check out some of Kent’s recent accomplishments!
Community service: Former president and vice president of Geneva Lake West Chamber of Commerce, co-chairman of Taste of Lake Geneva.
Elected posts: Walworth Village Board and plan commission, Fontana Walworth Water Pollution Control Commission, and general services committee.
Major campaign issues: Improved safety of the proposed Highway 14 project by eliminating dangerous right-angle turns to protect students and pedestrians plus preserving parking on the square while eliminating traffic on two sides of the square.
He is currently running for another term on the Walworth, Wis. Village Board.
Good luck, Kent!

John Reinhardt ’71


John Reinhardt, dean of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, was awarded the William J. Gies Foundation Education Fellowship by the American Dental Education Association.

Read the full article here

John resides with his wife, Claudia ’72, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Claudia is a free-lance writer/editor.

Best wishes!