Film and television star Kevin Dunn credits his theater training for his success as a character actor.
Way to show your Titan Pride, Kevin!
Professor of Hispanic Studies Carmela Ferradans edited and translated Incessant Beauty: A Bilingual Anthology of Ana Rossetti’s Poetry, published by 2LeafPress (April, 2014). Ana Rossetti’s poetics translation into English was done by R. Forrest Colwell Professor of American Literature Robert Bray; the book’s cover design is by Spencer Sauter.
Read more about the book, here.
Carlina Tapia-Ruano, immigration attorney at Tapia-Ruano & Gunn gave the keynote address and helped present scholarships to four deserving IWU women at the Council for IWU Women Summit Closing Reception and Luncheon.
Thank you, Carlina!
Marilyn Graves, vice president at Fifth and Third Bank, spoke at the Council for IWU Women Summit Break-Out Sessions. She presented “Transitioning from Academic to Professional World”
Thank you, Marilyn!
Marsha Guenzler-Stevens was awarded the Zenobia Hikes Memorial Award at NASPA. This award is given to one who has demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of women in higher education and to student affairs.
John Reinhardt, dean of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, was awarded the William J. Gies Foundation Education Fellowship by the American Dental Education Association.
Read the full article here
John resides with his wife, Claudia ’72, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Claudia is a free-lance writer/editor.
Best wishes!