Lisa Ragsdale ’72

On May 4th, 2014, Lisa Renee Ragsdale’s “Three Candy Bars” for Alto Sax & Marimba received its premier performance in St. Paul, MN by Kyle Hutchins, saxophonist and David Birrow, percussionist, both members of a group known as “The Renegade Ensemble” who sponsored the concert. Mr. Hutchins asked Lisa to compose something new for him in October 2013 and Lisa wrote the three works (one per month) from November 2013 through January 2014.

Also between January and April 2014, Lisa composed two new works for solo clarinet and a trombone Quartet for the ensemble known as “The trombones of the St. Louis Symphony.” Tim Myers, principal trombone of the St. Louis Symphony formed this ensemble with the other members of the trombone section in 2006 and have been asking for and commissioning new works for trombone quartet.

Already planned is another concert of works by Ragsdale for September 14th, 2014. Working with five U of MN students and a pianist friend, Ragsdale’s 2nd and 3rd wind quintets will be performed along with her Sonata for bassoon and piano, 2 works for solo oboe, and 2 works for solo clarinet. Currently Lisa is at work on two songs for soprano and alto sax and a work for full orchestra.

Carol Brandt ’78

Carol began her career in LaSalle National Bank Bond Department and later transitioned to the Wealth Management Group, where she obtained her Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP)SM designation, awarded by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.

  • Named to Barron’s Top 100 Women Financial Advisors 2008 through 2013 and Barron’s Top 1,000 Financial Advisors 2010 through 2012*
  • Named to Financial Times Top 400 Financial Advisors 2014**
  • Named to REP’s Top 100 Wirehouse Advisors 2013 and REP’s Top 50 Wirehouse Women in America 2013***

Carol holds a Bachelor of Music Education cum laude from Illinois Wesleyan University and an MBA in Finance from DePaul University.

Carol sits on the Lincoln Park Zoo Women’s Board and the Illinois Wesleyan University Chicago Alumni Board. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

While working at LaSalle National Bank, Carol founded and directed the LaSalle Bank Employee Choir, which performed the National Anthem annually for the Cubs and White Sox, as well as holiday concerts. Carol also chaired the LaSalle Women’s Network.

She and her husband, Bill, live on the Near North side of Chicago.

Classmates in “Rosebud”

IWU alumnae were recently featured in the Sigma Alpha Iota Rosebud newsletter! vicki cox 1970, lois hamm thurner 68, sandy thompson 71, sally simpson 70, carol pedigo phoenix 67, ann ragsdale 69

(top row) Vicki Cox ’70     Lois Hamm Thurner ’68

(middle row) Sandy Thompson ’71    Sally Simpson ’70

(bottom row) Carol Pedigo Phoenix ’67    Ann Sauer Ragsdale ’69

Sara “Sally” Simpson ’70

Sara “Sally” Simpson was recently featured in the Sigma Alpha Iota Rosebud newsletter!

Sara recently toured some Civil War Battlefields. She played an alto saxhorn built about 1857 for spectators at the 150th Anniversary Reenactment of the battle of Chickamauga, GA. She also played at the Illinois Monument at Shiloh and placed flowers on the grave of her great grand uncle at the National Cemetery in Corinth, Mississippi. Sara still resides in Bloomington-Normal and plays regularly with the Community Concert Band and the 33rd Illinois Volunteer Regiment Band.

sara simpson