Hey, Hey, Mighty Titans!
You did it!!! Last week, Tuesday, April 3rd was “All In for Wesleyan,” our annual sharing and giving marathon. We had multiple challenges and matching gift incentives throughout the entire day! There were giving circles, social media blitzes, and an overall good time had by all.
The final totals were: 2, 193 donors, and $714,533! How about that?! Congratulations, to everyone who contributed to that awesome total, no matter the amount, big or small. In addition, thank you! Your generosity makes it possible for many, present and future, Wesleyan students to obtain that same quality IWU education, that you and I received. I, for one, am ever so proud to be a Titan.
So, give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back. Spring is here, and real springtime weather, is right around the corner. (We are optimistic!) I hope that you had a glorious Easter holiday. Please, take care, and celebrate – What a wonderful time to be a Titan!
Debbie R. Burt-Frazier