Wow! Just twenty-one days until Christmas, three weeks, yikes! I don’t know about you, my fellow Titans, but I’m feeling the pressure of the holidays. Thanksgivings was great, time spent with family and friends was wonderful, but now it is Christmas full-speed ahead! There is gift-shopping, holiday parties, year end responsibilities and plenty of activity(when will I get to the Xmas cards?) to go around. If you happen to have a college student in your household, he or she has finals looming. I have a law student who is taking finals and I think that I am more stressed out than he is!
I hope that you are able to take a moment or two to renew your spirit and not become overwhelmed with all of the holiday hub-bub. I often suggest that you give yourself a gift prior to Christmas. It can be a movie, a massage, an outfit, anything that pleases you and will rejuvenate your spirit. Don’t feel guilty about it, either, just enjoy. I also encourage you to post your holiday happenings here via the newsletter, send photos if you like. My wish for you all is to have a blessed and safe holiday season.
So, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holiday! Happy Chanukah, and Merry Christmas! I hope that Santa brings you something special, especially if you have been a good Titan! Best wishes to you and yours, and I will talk to you next year (or sooner -:-)
Dr. Debbie Burt-Frazier, EdD