John Rudzinski ’65: 50th Reunion Memories

After graduation, Dr. Lewis Whikehart invited me to do graduate work at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, where he was teaching.  After two grueling and challenging years I received my Master of Music in Vocal Performance in 1967.

Right after graduation I married Bonnie Lobianco an SAI and we began our teaching/performing careers.  I was performing as a tenor soloist in recitals, oratorios and operas throughout the United States; while teaching school. My first position was at Rock Valley Community College in Rockford,Illinois. Then I took a leave of absence and studied at the Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.  Had a terrific voice teacher and great opportunities to perform.  We moved to Northfield , MN, where I taught at Carleton and St Olaf colleges. During that tenure, I sang with the MN Orchestra, the Detroit Symphony, and in the Aspen Music Festival Chamber Choir

Our son, Andrew, was born in 1970 and our daughter Nancy in 1974.  Bonnie became full time MOM, but accompanied me on occasion.

In 1979 we made a “BIG” move to Scottsdale, AZ. Where I began a new career –church ministry:  First, Youth Ministry and then Music Ministry.  For the past 15 years I have been a Dir. of Music for a large Catholic Parish in Shawnee, KS.—  Enjoying conducting and teaching some talented vocalists. I have also taught at Avila Univ. and Rockhurst College in Kansas City, MO.

We have two grandchildren, Natalie, thirteen, and Peter, three, who live “too far away” in Jacksonville, FL.  Our two miniature poodles keep us very active and happy. J

THIS WAS FUN REVIEWING THE PAST 50 YEARS.  Also, it is time for retirement.  HA!

I have been back to campus.  One of my voice students graduated from Wesleyan and is now on Broadway!


God bless,

John Rudzinski

All In for Wesleyan Becomes a Tradition in 2015

On AI'm-All-In-For-Wesleyan-icon 2014pril 9, Titans of all generations pulled together and showed their pride on the third annual All In For Wesleyan. More than 1,800 gifts of all sizes from 49 states and 17 countries totaled over $500,000 in support of Illinois Wesleyan University and our students. Our collective philanthropy served as an inspiration to the next generation as All In For Wesleyan firmly established itself as an Illinois Wesleyan tradition, both on campus and off. The classes from 1960-1969 had 156 donors on April 9th and donations totaling $76,523.00.

Thank you 1960-1969 Alumni for being “all in” all the time, and for continuing to make Illinois Wesleyan one of your giving priorities. If you have already made your gift this year, thank you! If you have not made your gift this year, I hope that you will join me as a donor and put us one more gift closer to our participation goal. You can make your gift by visiting It is your support that keeps Illinois Wesleyan strong, and develops the next generation of leaders.

Your partner in support,

Van Miller ‘04

Director of Annual Giving

Ellen Veden ’61

Ellen recently retired from the global broadcast television industry and has rekindled her passion for painting and drawing. Since January 2015, Ellen has been in 6 local art shows and 2 juried shows. Presently she is exhibiting her work at the Trenton Museum, Trenton, NJ. She sends thanks to Fred Brian who saw the potential in her and Rupert Kilgore, for the love for art history.

Veden '61

Joanna Peterson Ulmer ’65: 50th Reunion Memories

After my freshman year at Wesleyan, I transferred to the University of Iowa to complete my undergraduate work.  I became an elementary school teacher for 37 happy years in California.  During this time I earned my master’s degree.
I  am enjoying retirement, which includes traveling, close relationships with friends, reading, water aerobics, and volunteering in many areas of my church.  My husband and I recently purchased electric bikes, and we so enjoy riding them in our mild Ventura CA weather.
I only remember one or two people from Wesleyan, so I doubt if anyone remembers me.  I sure would love going back and seeing the campus.
Joanna Peterson Ulmer

SUSAN HERRS MITCHELL ’65: 50th Reunion Memories

Thanks to Carol Thompson Sheldon, our memories are being jogged as we approach our 50th Illinois Wesleyan reunion.  How is this possible!!  It parallels our 50th wedding anniversary  which will be July 10, 2015 — I married Bob Mitchell (Class of ’64), an art major who went on to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale for his MFA.

Wesleyan prepared us well to try several careers and to be open to learning new things.  I helped Bob through graduate school by working at the SIU registrar’s office, using my H.S. typing & shorthand skills that my mother promised would always help me get a job!  After our year there, we moved to Dade City, Florida where he taught ceramics and metalsmithing at St. Leo College.  Our only child, David, was born that year also.  Then on to Arkansas State University in Jonesboro for 14 years–Bob teaching and I taught private piano in the home.

But, after taking some accounting courses at ASU, I found myself working in a bank trust department.  This was the beginning of a long career as an employee benefit trust officer in banks in Arkansas, Wisconsin, North Carolina and Florida.  Bob left teaching when we moved to Green Bay, and he then worked from home, blending his art background and his computer skills–as the business manager of the Society of North American Goldsmiths.

In 2007, we both retired and moved from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Southern New Mexico–fifty miles from El Paso, Texas and the US–Mexico border.  Las Cruces is a wonderful city in the high desert, 3 hours south of Albuquerque.  We are both very involved at Peace Lutheran Church, and I have returned to my first “career” – playing the piano for fun as well as occasionally at church.

Our son David, daughter-in-law Terry and 17-year old granddaughter Kate live in Medford, just 12 miles north of Boston.  We visit back and forth and wish they were closer to our part of the country.  We’ll be taking them to London for a week in May–sort of a high school graduation trip for Kate.  Bob and I have traveled to places like Egypt, Greece, Germany, and a few others–hoping for more travel ahead as long as our health holds up!

Susan Mitchell '65_cruise2

Bob ’64 and Susan ’65 Mitchell

Are You ALL IN???

Today is All in for Wesleyan 2015!  All gifts made today will be matched by an anonymous donor (up to $75,000).

And this year, there’s a twist.  Let me explain.

Gifts to the Wesleyan Fund support student financial assistance and also the little, but essential, things that create the Illinois Wesleyan experience.  So today we’re celebrating these little essentials — the unsung heroes.  Make a gift today and your name could appear next to one of these items for a limited time.*

Give today and your name could be selected to grace the hot spot, the WESN microphone, and other pieces of campus that will be announced throughout the day. (Learn more)

Give today and your gift will be matched by an anonymous donor.

Give today and show that you’re proud to be a Titan!

Stanley Cade ’67

Stanley Cade ’67 has informed us on his current life.
stan cade '67
Stan is a proud graudate of the IWU School of Music, and after teaching music for 39 years he remains active with a few private students of trombone and tuba, and performs with a local community band.  He was very proud to see the School of Music featured in the University Magazine.