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Travelling Home

When I first landed in Japan, I was very happy, but also very confused. I went through the cycle of culture shock. It was not intense, as the culture of Japan was not too shocking. But I also had to deal with the effects of leaving Italy’s culture, and it all left me feeling out … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | Leave a comment

Becoming an Artist

Nathan and I went on a trip to Tokyo, where we were able to meet up with friends and have a nice break from daily working life. During our time out, however, we also missed an meeting about the exhibition and where the artists wanted to exhibit their work. When we returned, we were shocked … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | Leave a comment


Going to Japan, my family was a bit worried about me because I have been known to be a bit picky. However, when abroad I take a new attitude and try to eat foods that I would not normally choose and make a point to try the local cuisine. I was also a bit concerned, … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | 1 Comment

Sunny Summer Festival

The 14-15th was Onishi’s big Summer Festival, which is an annual music festival that brings together the 5 communities in town as they all perform taiko and haul a shrine around town. I was told going in that the festival included pulling the shrine in intense humidity all day only to stay up late at … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | Leave a comment

Teaching Taiko

In the past two weeks, the artists arrived and went straight into creating art. However, there is an added level of complication, as they also can partake in the annual Onishi music festival, which takes place a mere two weeks after their arrival. Before coming to the residency, most of the artists chose to come … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | Leave a comment

Sick abroad?

Many college students will recall the fateful time after starting college when most of the freshman class gets a cold. It is brutal. You are alone, with new people, and not entirely sure how to take care of yourself more than simply functioning. But when you are sick, you have to sleep more, drink more, … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | Leave a comment

Music in Japan

I write this blog post as a cacophony of taiko drumming surrounds me. The local music festival in Onishi runs from July 14-15th, and everyone is in preparation. There are different groups and towns that learn different taiko patterns for playing in shrines, while flautists play behind them and dancers dance on top of the … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | 2 Comments

Kyoto and Friends

After a fast paced 2 weeks helping artists get their artwork ready for exhibition and then helping them leave the residency, it was finally time for a few days off. As Shiro Oni is not a normal workplace, vacation days here are scheduled around when the artists are on site and when you would like … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | 1 Comment

Bikes, bugs, and bumps

I am a person who likes to plan. Before going abroad, I read every article I could, so the shock would be diminished. Yet nothing can be entirely planned for, and every time I go to a new place, I make many new mistakes and learn from them. In Italy, I locked myself in my … Continue reading »

Categories: Internship, IWU Freeman Asia, Japan, Study Abroad | 1 Comment