Students Tap Alumni for Internship Opportunities

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – While many people are struggling to find summer jobs in the economic downswing, many Illinois Wesleyan University students have obtained summer internships that give them valuable experience in the fields that could be their careers. A few of these students found such opportunities through one of IWU’s most valuable resources: its alumni.

According to Assistant Director and Internship Coordinator for the Hart Career Center Laurie Diekhoff, the job market this summer has been exceptionally tough. “Organizations have been trimming and working with minimal staff,” she said. “Students are competing with laid off workers for the jobs that do exist.”

However, from marketing for a photography business to building sets for an independent film company, three IWU students have obtained summer internships despite the competition by working with alumni. “Internships are especially important because they show that a student is following up on their career interests, learning about the field and developing concrete skills,” said Diekhoff.

Additionally, these particular internships are giving alumni an opportunity to give back to the school by supporting the students and passing on their wisdom. Following are some experiences three Illinois Wesleyan students have had working with alumni this summer.
