Frick Named Accreditation Consultant-Evaluator

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Illinois Wesleyan University Associate Provost for Academic Services Jeff Frick has been named a consultant-evaluator in the Peer Review Corps of The Higher Learning Commission.

The Commission is an independent corporation recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, which evaluates and offers guidance to higher education institutions working toward accreditation. As a consultant-evaluator, Frick will travel to colleges and universities as part of a team of Peer Review Corps members to determine if criteria for accreditation are being met.

“The idea behind accreditation is to ensure universities and colleges are meeting expectations in areas such as integrity, student learning, effective teaching and service,” said Frick, who finished the intensive training to become a consultant-evaluator in November. “More than a checklist of what they do and don’t need to have, accreditation is proof that an institution is working to meet the needs of its various constituents.”

Frick will travel to one or two peer institutions a year within the 19 states covered by The Higher Learning Commission. Along with evaluating institutions, Frick and his fellow consultants will provide ideas to help with improvement. “A major focus of the Commission is continuous improvement,” said Frick. “We will be there to offer suggestions and help institutions think toward the future.”
