Kumler Receives Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Todd Kumler ’07 has been awarded the Kathleen Greey Fellowship by the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. The Fellowship will enable Kumler to pursue a Ph.D. in economics at Columbia University.

This honor counts Kumler among 100 students nationwide to receive the Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship and Award of Excellence. Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest, largest and most selective all-discipline honor society. The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship Program supports deserving students in their first year of graduate study.

The Kathleen Greey Fellowship was created in 2000 to honor the memory of the late Kathleen Greey, a longtime Phi Kappa Phi chapter officer at Portland State University, who provided funds for this purpose in her estate plans. The selection process for the honor is based on the applicants’ undergraduate academic performance; leadership and service on the campus and in the community; evidence of graduate potential; personal statement of educational perspective, purpose and objectives; and the evaluation reports from three individuals who are in a position to attest to the student’s performance, citizenship and character.

An economics and mathematics double major at Illinois Wesleyan with a political science minor, Kumler was valedictorian at Elgin’s Larkin High School in 2003.
