Travel Courses Teach Business Abroad

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – It is one thing to learn about Asian Economics in a classroom, however learning about it while visiting the Caterpillar factory in Singapore provides an entirely different business experience.  Such opportunities have been made possible by Illinois Wesleyan University, as well as professors such as Associate Professor of Business Administration Fred Hoyt, who has traveled to approximately 30 countries with students during various business study-abroad courses.

Hoyt began taking students on month-long study-abroad trips in 1993 with destinations such as Europe, Asia and Australia.  The trips provide both the chance to travel and a business course abroad.  Before their departure, students must first study and read about business practices in the countries they will visit, as well as write a comparative essay about their readings.  Then while abroad, the students visit international businesses, receive tours of foreign companies and even meet with expatriates living overseas.
