Narita to Intern at United Nations

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Illinois Wesleyan University senior Mana Narita from Tokyo, Japan, recently accepted a summer internship at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations. Narita will live and work in New York from May until July, before she returns to Japan to finish her studies at Keio University in Tokyo.

The Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (UN) has represented the Government of Japan since the country’s entry into the UN in 1956. According to the website, the Mission conducts diplomacy to achieve its foreign policy goals and remains committed to the UN’s efforts to ensure peace and stability throughout the world.

Narita, a political science major, will intern for the political and administrative section at the Permanent Mission. Some of her responsibilities will include attending meetings and negotiations with diplomats, taking notes and writing summaries.

“I have always dreamed of working for the United Nations,” Narita said. “This will be a great opportunity for me to find a specialty in the field of international politics since my interest is very broad right now.”

Narita hopes to utilize her knowledge from her politics classes at IWU in her internship. After graduation, she would like to study international politics at the graduate level and eventually pursue a career with the United Nations.
