Alumna Performs in New York Musical Theatre Festival

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – As the sunlight sneaks through the blinds of Casey Clark’s apartment in New York City, the 2004 Illinois Wesleyan graduate is already up, navigating her way between play scripts, music and books strewn across the floor. Clark is on her way to rehearsal in midtown Manhattan for her upcoming production of composer Jay Alan Zimmerman’s autobiographical, The Incredibly Deaf Musical, where she plays the role of the artist’s supportive wife, Lisa. The musical is part of the New York Musical Theatre Festival, which will run from Sept. 30 to Oct. 10.

Checking her watch, she swiftly snags her duffle bags full of clothes, make-up, and hair-styling amenities. Clark then leaves to catch the subway just a few blocks away from her apartment.

Today, she will work with choreographers to prepare a dance routine for two songs in the show, which are about Zimmerman’s life. The production describes Zimmerman’s journey to New York City, and the struggles he encounters launching his music career. His principal adversity being — he begins to go deaf in his 20s and 30s.

In between choreography practice and an evening class with a casting director, Clark will make her usual stop at Starbucks to refuel. Then after class, it’s home to practice her lines. The following morning she will return to the theatre to continue preparing for the production.
