History Major Wins Research Strategies Award

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. –- Samantha Geib, a sophomore history major from Des Plaines, Ill., is the second annual recipient of The Ames Library Artistic and Scholarly Research Strategies Award.

The $500 award, funded through donations to The Ames Library, recognizes students for their outstanding strategies of acquiring information in creating scholarly, artistic or creative projects. To be considered for the award, students must submit an application along with a 500-700 word essay, a digital copy of the project, a letter of support from the faculty member or instructor who assigned the project and signed consent to have the project electronically archived in the Digital Commons. Eligible projects are those completed within the current academic year, regardless of when preparation began.

Geib completed her research, titled “The Boston Molasses Disaster,” that detailed the aftermath of a horrific event that occurred in Boston in 1919.
