Courtroom Drama: Theatre Alumna Practices Law

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – For some, the excitement and anticipation of the first day of college can overwhelm the mind, turning the experience into nothing more than a generic blur of recollections. However, for others, the first day of class can make a long-lasting impact.

While standing in a circle among fellow theatre majors on the very first day of class, Illinois Wesleyan University alumna Samantha Glaudel, class of ’93, learned a lesson that would remain with her for the rest of her professional life.

As a student raised his arm to look at his watch, Professor Emeritus John Ficca asked the student what time it was. “The student did not know. Dr. Ficca told us at that point to never make a move without a purpose – otherwise it would not be believable. That lesson sticks out to me every time I do anything in front of an audience – whether the audience is in the theatre, a jury box, or watching my films,” said Glaudel.

Although Glaudel graduated from Illinois Wesleyan University with a degree in theatre performance, she immediately went on to pursue her studies in law at Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Law. Upon graduating with a juris doctorate in 1996, Glaudel worked in the district attorney’s office and also had experience in private practice. Between the two jobs, she has had six years of trial work, with a few hundred cases going to trial. Today, Glaudel works as the senior staff attorney for the chief judge in her judicial circuit in Savannah, Ga.

For Glaudel, there is a correlation between acting and the law. “When an attorney tries a case in front of a jury – or even a judge – the attorney is presenting material that tells the story of his/her client’s circumstances,” Glaudel said. She explained how an attorney has to memorize the facts of the case, comparing them to lines in a play. An attorney must do an opening and closing, which is much like setting the scene. When a client changes testimony, she said, an attorney has to think on his/her feet, which is similar to another actor dropping his/her lines.
