Recent Grad Receives Coveted Government Fellowship

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Recent graduate Christine Gibbs of Glen Ellyn, Ill., has been admitted into the prestigious James H. Dunn Memorial Fellowship Program in Illinois government. Gibbs, a political science and international studies double major, will be a full-time employee of the Illinois state government for the next year.

“The Dunn Fellowship aims to train college graduates to become better leaders in state government some day,” said Gibbs. As the “federal liaison,” Gibbs will be helping to represent the interests of the state of Illinois at the federal level. Her position is the only one of approximately 19 Dunn Fellowships awarded each year to take place in Washington, D.C.

Past recipients of the Dunn Fellowship hail from some of the top universities in the country, said Illinois Wesleyan University Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science James Simeone. “The Dunn Fellowship, particularly the Washington, D.C. position, is a very competitive and very coveted prize for students of political science,” he said.
