Alumna Honored with State Press Association Award

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Illinois Wesleyan University alumna Lana (Weiss) Brown will be honored by the Illinois Woman’s Press Association (IWPA) with the 2009 Communicator of Achievement Award. She will be presented with the award on Saturday, May 16 at the Union League Club of Chicago by fellow alumna and incoming IWPA President Marianne Wolf-Astrauskas.

“This award recognizes not just one year, but an entire body of work for the career of a communicator,” said Wolf-Astrauskas, a 1976 alumna who won the award in 2008. “Being able to present this award to Lana is doubly exciting because not only is she an incredible communicator, but she is a fellow IWU alum.”

In August, Brown will represent Illinois as its nominee for the National Communicator of Achievement Award from the National Federation of Press Women at the conference in San Antonio, Texas. Brown currently serves as the IWPA first vice president and program chair.

A graduate of the class of 1970, Brown is the owner of Lana Brown Communications, a speaking and writing consulting firm, which has assisted such companies as AT&T, Kraft, the National Education Association and the Museum of Broadcast Communications.
