Nelson Wins Technos International Prize

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Lauren Nelson, a senior Russian and Eastern European studies major at Illinois Wesleyan University has been named the recipient of the Technos International Prize through the Tanaka Ikueikai Educational Trust in Japan.

The trust, founded by Japanese businessman and honorary Illinois Wesleyan trustee Kenji Tanaka, honors those who are committed to improving and promoting international relations around the world. The announcement of the prize, which is given annually, was made Tuesday, April 14, at a luncheon at Illinois Wesleyan.

“This award is more than a confirmation of the work I have done in my undergraduate studies. It is a testament to the wonderful professors who have guided me through the years,” said Nelson, a Plymouth, Minn., native who plans to attend graduate school at Stanford University on a Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, where she will pursue a degree in Eastern European studies
