New Student Health Groups Unite for Fundraiser

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Three new Illinois Wesleyan student organizations are joining forces to level the playing field for health care across the world.

The Illinois Wesleyan chapter of the national organization FACE AIDS, along with the University groups Global Medical Brigade and Titan EMS will be raising funds for their perspective groups through a raffle for a Wii game system and the popular Rock Band game starting March 1.

The organizations, which all began last year, have very different approaches to health care, but a first-year Illinois Wesleyan student believes they share the same ideal. “Our goal is better health care for everyone – to bring about global health equality,” said Michael Henry, the founder of the Illinois Wesleyan chapter of FACE AIDS, which raises awareness and funds to fight AIDS in Africa. “We can do that by helping to raise money for international organizations as well as our University organizations that focus on health care.”
