IWU Intern Receives COUNTRY Financial Scholarship

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – For Illinois Wesleyan University senior Danielle Lauritson of Bloomington experience as a student intern meant more than catching a preview of the working world—it also earned her a scholarship.

Lauritson’s public relations internship at COUNTRY Financial in Bloomington included such responsibilities as writing news releases, monitoring the intern pages of www.countryfinancial.com and assisting with projects like the COUNTRY Chef Challenge.

One of four recipients, Lauritson earned her scholarship through writing an essay in response to the prompt: “U.S. corporations continue to focus more attention on Generation Y both as consumers and potential employees. What challenges and opportunities do you see for COUNTRY Financial in trying to reach this group? How can COUNTRY uniquely target this group through marketing and/or recruiting efforts?”

Lauritson is a business administration major with a marketing concentration.
